"Devil’s Pool", Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

If you’re ever in Zimbabwe, don’t miss the chance to take a swim in The Devil’s Pool, a small lagoon, enclosed by rocks, on the edge of one of the biggest, most beautiful waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls. Set on Livingstone Island, at a height of 103 meters, Devil’s Pool is definitely one of the most surreal locations on Earth.

During the months of September and December, people can swim as close as possible to the edge of the falls without falling over.

The Devil’s Pool is a natural rock pool at the top of Victoria Falls.Your journey to the edge begins at the Royal Livingstone hotel in Zambia. A boat transfers you to Livingstone Island where you learn a bit about David Livingstone’s famous adventure, before setting off on one of your own!As a group you walk and swim, sometimes within view of a hippo or two, across the Zambezi River. The excitement builds, until that electrifying moment when the brave leap (and not so brave slide) into the Devil’s Pool.A rock wall protects you from tumbling into the gorge far below. It’s even safe to peer right over the edge, down onto a permanent rainbow (just make sure someone has you by the ankles … after all it’s a long, long way down!).
If this sounds like your kind of adrenaline rush, then think carefully about when to go to Victoria Falls. This Victoria Falls activity is only possible when the water flow is at a safe level (from around Aug/Sept to Jan/Feb – depending on rainfall).Bear in mind though that since this is the dry season, the actual Falls are not quite as impressive at this time.

4 Replies to “"Devil’s Pool", Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe”

  1. That's a beautiful sight.The devils pool may seem dangerous but its exciting.The river is home to 39 species of fish below the falls and 89 species above it, mostly black cod and slippery trout. This illustrates the effectiveness of the falls as a dividing barrier between the upper and lower Zambezi.
    The victoria falls


  2. I've read that this is the number 5 most dangerous water spot in the world. At least one person a year goes over the edge to their inevitable death. Maybe that's only during certain months. Hope so. Otherwise, the parents of that kid should be deprived of custody.


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