
The word panspermia is Greek origin (pas/pan=all; sperma=seed), and it meen’s “seed everywhere“. Originated in Greece, where philosophers came up with the idea that life exist across thw whole Universe and it can be transferred from one location to another. Some believe that life on Earth was created by those floating “seeds”.

Statisticly, 7.5% rocks form Mars reach the Earth’s surface. The rock will travel between 100 and 16000 year and more and eventually came on Earth.

Generaly, panspermia include the deflection of interstellar dust by solar radiation pressure and extremophile microorganisms traveling through space within an asteroid, meteorite or comet.

There are three popular hypothesis:

  • Lithopanspermia (interstellar panspermia) – impact-expelled rocks from a planet’s surface serve as transfer vehicles for spreading biological material from one solar system to another.
  • Ballistic panspermia (interplanetary panspermia) – impact-expelled rocks from a planet’s surface serve as transfer vehicles for spreading biological material from one planet to another within the same solar system
  • Directed panspermia – the intentional spreading of the seeds of life to other planets by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, or the intentional spreading of the seeds of life from Earth to other planets by humans

Panspermia does not provide an explanation for evolution or attempt pinpoint the origin of life in the Universe, but it does attempt to solve the mysteries of the origin of life on Earth and the transfer of life throughout the Universe.

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