First Academy of nightlife in the world, Belgrade

Dutchman Ralf van der Zajden (34) was sitting in a coffee shop and drinking coffee, and talked with people around like any other guest. But in fact, he was born 1500 miles away, in the Dutch city, Scheveningen, near The Hague.

The first time I came to Belgrade in the year 2004. Between the 2007th and 2010th I come on every three months, and in March last year I definitely came in and decided to live in Belgrade. I do not know how to explain why exactly, but the atmosphere makes you feel at home.

He started with iBikeBelgrade, where visitors learn about Belgrade in bicycle tours. But as winter is not exactly ideal for biking, Ralph figured out other ways to do the same job in a manner appropriate to the season. He founded the Academy of Belgrade nightlife! City has become the world’s only metropolis that has that kind of scientific institutions”!
Ralf’s Academy teaches you where to eat the best barbecue or burek in the early morning hours, which and where is the best rakia, local branded famous drink…and when you are maximum relaxed and feel like dancing and singing on the table like everybody else around, he teach you how to distinguish the authentic of silicone beauty
In fact, this is a serious project, and the Academy has three directions in which participants indicate:

1.Kafana Class (culture life in a bar)
2.spirit of Belgrade
3.Belgrade Underground  (secret of capital underground)

My intention is to show people why Belgrade is different and better than other European cities. He has some unique things that nowhere else could find.

More and more cheap flights to Belgrade, which suits us. This year Belgrade will be the best city to visit!

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