Towards the day of love… Where to go for a Valentine’s Day?

Legend has it that Emperor Claudius I forbid men to get married, as he thought that married or engaged to men would not fight in the wars, because they will stay at home with their family. All priests are respected that decision, except Valentine. He still held wedding ceremony. Therefore he was thrown into prison, and on 14 February 269th decapitated. Shortly after that he was proclaimed as a saint, and from then 14.2. in the Catholic world is celebrated as the Day of St.. Valentine, Orthodox Christians celebrate St. Tryphon, while among young people this holiday popular as Valentine’s Day.

Did you ever wonder who sent the first Valentine’s Day card? The oldest card for this holiday was sent by the French Duke of Orleans while he was imprisoned in England, and he was wrote to his wife. A tradition of sending greeting cards of love comes from Sv. Valentine who was before his death sent a suicide note for a dungeon keeper daughter, who was blind. Sv. Valentin was on the end of the letter wrote “from your Valentine for the warmth that you showed to him,” and then on the girl could see. Since this event Valentine greetings around the world fill the mailboxes.
However, the tradition of sending romantic letters and cards, slowly fading, but be original, and send card of this type to your loved one. And what might be even more delighted your loved one, if you write a card with plenty of love and hand in some of the most romantic city.

Is there anything more romantic than driving in the beautiful canals of Venice with the gondolas? Probably most would say “No”. Therefore Valentine’s Day spend in this town, located in northern Italy. In one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world can visit the Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute, San Sebastian Church, St. Mark Church and Rialto bridge.

For the most romantic date in the year you can go to Vienna. This is, by the quality of life, the first city in the world. as the major city of the European Union is the 10th . It is the largest city of Austria, and the place has full of cultural and historical sights. Walk with your loved one start from the center of Vienna, which is on the UNESCO list of cultural heritage, and visit the many museums, Mozart’s home, Castle Belvedere, Schönbrunn Palace, Rupert’s Romanesque church, the Gothic cathedral of St. Stephen, Parliament …
Without doubt, the title of the most romantic city holds Paris. This is the capital and largest city of France, and the most visited tourist destination in the world. What the tourists first visit when they come to Paris? – Eiffel Tower, the most famous tower in the world, 324 m high. Then follows the tour to the Arc de Triomphe, then the Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Palace of disability, Concorde Square … We recommend you to climb to the highest peak of Paris – Montmartre, which offers stunning views of the entire city.
The richest history from all of the world capital has Rome, the capital of Italy. Rome is the center of ancient culture and open-air museum. Numerous witnesses of the past and the cultural and historical monuments are located within the city. The most popular attractions in Rome, the most famous in the world is the Colosseum, the largest amphitheater ever built in the Roman Empire. In Rome there is a pantheon, or temple of all gods, numerous museums and villas, churches, castles, fountains … Remember: “All roads lead to Rome”.

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