Bigfoot In Oregon? Strange Bloodcurdling Noises In Pendleton Swamp

Is there a bigfoot in Oregon?
The sounds of cries and roars can be heard throughout the Umatilla Indian Reservation near Pendleton, The Oregonian reports Jan. 25. The reservation is home to about 1,500 people across 178,000 acres in Oregon’s Blue Mountains. The possible Bigfoot noises were heard near an old reservation community center just north of Wilhorse Resort and Casino. Residents first started hearing the noises last month, and rumors quickly spread that it could be a mythical ape-like humanoid creature, Bigfoot.

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is the name given to the mysterious ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot, usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid, and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax.
Among some Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest, however, the Bigfoot is not to be taken lightly. Stories about the hominid hairy creatures roaming the forests of the region have been passed down from generation to generation in some tribal cultures, so when the screeches first drifted over the swampland, it did not take much to convince the locals that those were the cries of Bigfoot.
According to the Oregon Live, the eerie late-night sounds, which range from high-pitched screams to basso profundo roars, started in November and have caused bigfoot rumors to spread. Several reservation unit tenants and home owners call authorities to report the strange sounds. One man even claimed his dog was too afraid to go outside.
One said the cries were made by “a young Bigfoot that had got separated from the rest of his clan.” The howls also make some believe the animal making those noises are foxes or a female coyote.
So far no one has been able to nail down exactly what the source is of the spooky sounds. For decades many have believed Bigfoot does, in fact, live in Oregon within its thick forests. Reported Examiner…
Carl Sheeler, wildlife program manager for the Walla Walla and Cayuse tribes, said the strange noises may just be from animals known to live in the area.
But some of those who have heard the sounds don’t agree with Sheeler. “Foxes do sound creepy,” said Sylvia Minthorn. “But it’s not the same sound, not even close.”
Did Oregon residents within the reservation actually hear Bigfoot? Enthusiasts of the creature think that they are getting closer to finding the elusive Bigfoot, and sightings continue. Late last year, a group of hikers in Utah encountered what they thought was a bear, but then the animal turned and stood on two legs, looking very much like Bigfoot.
Sasquatch Watch Canada posted a recording of the howls to Youtube. Listen to them below:

Tornado Of Fire Caught On Tape In Australia

An Alice Springs filmmaker managed to shoot one of the rarest natural phenomena! It is a fiery tornado that occurs when a “pillar” of the hot air down to the ground and causing a fire.
Chris Tangey of Alice Springs Film and Television was scouting locations near Curtin Springs station, about 80km from Ularu, last week when confronted by a fiery phenomenon.

A small fire was burning in nearby bushland, so Mr Tangey decided to start filming. He caught the sight of his life. A twister touched down on the spot fire, fanning it into a furious tower of flame. “It sounded like a jet fighter going by, yet there wasn’t a breath of wind where we were,” he told the Northern Territory News.

Fish dragged fishermen into the river

In Belgrade, Serbia, Milivoje Radosavljevic disappeared in the river on Monday around the 21h while fishing near the dock on the Sava.
While Radosavljevic was fishing in the company of his wife and a few friends on the unfenced part of the coast, near the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, big fish has hooked and pulled him into the water. These rivers are known for big catfish, and it is possible that he stumbled on this gigantic monster totally unprepared. 
After some time he has not floated to the surface, his friends and wife have called river police, who began searching for drowning. His body has not yet been found.
Missing fishermen all know in this district, as he was fishing at the same place over the last decade.

Humpback Whale Scares Kayakers in California

From California arrives unbelievable video in which a giant Humpback Whale rises only a few inches from the kayak with one girl.

All filmed by Ronda Burmajster which says that was an unforgettable experience and one of the best in life for her and her daughter in a kayak. Although the girl and her mother passed without consequence, nearby couple in another kayak was not so lucky, whale pushed them aside.

This is not the first time that the California coast surfacing whales. A few days ago, retired Bill Baton from California snapped the amazing moment when a group of whale emerged from the water next to the boat and kayakers who have watching in amazement as the scene.

Please, kill yourself at home!

City of London has launched an unusual campaign, which recently shocked all those who ride the metro in the city. The campaign is called “Kill yourself at home” is intended to reduce the number of suicides, especially those occurring at the metro stations.
Apparently, a large number of suicides in London takes place in a public place, mainly in the subway, which is a trauma for both drivers and users of transport.

The management of London has decided to deal with this phenomenon, which is why the government taped posters on subway on which is the box with pills above which say “Kill yourself at home.”, while the fine print below explained: “Why would you jump, when it is easier to swallow. Our customers and drivers alike will be grateful.”

How the campaign will be successful remains to be seen, in any case, this is a bizarre way.

Cameras Record Small Plane Crash

The survivors of a small plane crash managed to record their miraculous escape to show just how close their brush with death was.
Their experience is recorded with several cameras that were with them on board, reports AP.
One of the passengers Arhets Alex said that he and his friends were lucky to have survived. Arhets, and Nathan Williams recorded the flight in a small airplane 30th June, when the aircraft went down to the landing in MaCall.
The footage shows how the passengers on the plane ride a few minutes, and then the aircraft crashes.
“Then we thought that there was no chance of it actually happening,” said Arhets. Williams added that he got a concussion, a 70-year-old pilot Les Gropp broke his jaw.

His penis was stolen while he was sleeping

Fei Lin (41) lost his penis while he was sleeping, said sources from the police in east China, and it is assumed that the thieves are actually lovers of several women with whom the unfortunate man had “close relationship”.
The unfortunate man told police that the thieves, when he fell asleep, broke into his room, put a bag over his head and fled with his penis.
– They put something over my head, stripped of my pants and ran away. I was so shocked that I did not feel anything, and then I saw that I was bleeding and there is no penis – said the unhappy man to the police.

The police believe the attackers were actually jealous lovers of a few women with that saw Lin, writes “Austrian Times”. Lin, however, denied that he participated in infidelity.

Ambulance and police were searching for the stolen parts of the body, says “TNT Magazine”. Penis thieves were not found, but police say the search for jealous people on suspicion that they crippled Lin.

A woman "got pregnant" with squid

A woman got pregnant with squid! Although it sounds absolutely incredible, the story is true, and published it in a scientific journal University Bethesda of Maryland. Scientists at the biotechnology department of the University gave an explanation of what happened and how it happened.

A woman (63) has experienced trauma while in a restaurant was eating squid, which was not removed from the sperm sac, when it is in her mouth infested 12 spermatophores of this animal.

Science magazine explains that the woman, after a fatal bite in several places in the mouth felt a sharp pain that was actually the result of a “climax” of the remaining bodies.

The doctors removed from her mouth spermatophores that she received through a special membrane to the language, the inside of the cheek and gums. Fortunately, the woman has not swallowed part of the uncleaned squid, immediately spit it.

A similar case was reported in Japan last year, when the woman also bit into a bag of sperm in raw squid, and afterwards felt a sharp pain in the mouth. She was took with her the remaining of squid in which they found bags of sperm at the hospital .

This kind incidents, in which people may happen that their mouths literally stay “pregnant” from the sperm of seafood, are mainly confined to the Far East, where it is common custom to eat raw fish. In the West, all internal organs are removed during the preparation stage so there is no such risk.

Researchers who published the paper explained that there is no danger of such impregnation spermatophores on the skin of people, because it is too thick to receive it. One of the authors of the paper has led that the she was ejaculated by the hands of hundreds of spermatophores, but never felt any sting.

Reproduction of deep-sea squid is still subject of research because scientists find it difficult to get to their habitat. It is known that the spermatophores are implanted in a female with male hektokotil, that is a separate tentacle, and receive it on the skin or muscle.

19th century vampire-hunting kit to go up for auction

Looking for a unique gift for the hunter in your life who already has everything? Then here’s a unique vintage hunting-related kit that might fit the bill.
A 19th century vampire-hunting kit will be auctioned at Tennants Auctioneers in Leyburn, North Yorkshire, England on June 22, in the same area Bram Stoker wrote his classic “Dracula” in 1897.
The Victorian casket contains everything any selfrespecting vampire-slayer could wish for – a mallet and four stakes, a pistol, rosary beads, an 1857 Anglican prayer book, glass bottles of holy water, holy earth, garlic paste and a crucifix.
The items are carefully housed in a mahogany box, which features a silver crucifix lock. 
Auctioneer Oonagh Dragbe said she thinks someone collected the items separately, then made the box to store them in.
The casket’s origins are as mysterious as its purpose; it was found in the cellar of the seller’s uncle after his death, along with two other vampireslaying kits.
She said: “The people who own it were left the casket by an eccentric uncle who lived in Leeds. When they came to clear his house, there were three of these.
The kit also includes a handwritten extract from the Bible, quoting Luke 19:27. It reads “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”