Bigfoot Spotted In Idaho?

A group of high school students believe they may have stumbled upon Bigfoot while in the Idaho wilderness for a class project.

The teenagers were in the woods near Mink Creek in Franklin County when they said they noticed a dark creature watching them from a ridge. Mysterious creature was caught on tape for a few seconds near Mink Creek before it retreated into the treeline.

The group then raced to the point they had seen the creature, and said they found a large foot imprint in the dirt and took a photograph of it. 

“It just didn’t look human-like. I don’t know what that is, it’s not a bear, it’s not a moose or anything. It was big and bulky and black,” said the student, who did not want to be identified on camera.
“I’m not going to say yes it was a Bigfoot or no it wasn’t, because I don’t know, and nobody knows,” the student told the news station.

Bigfoot is allegedly an ape-like creature said to inhabit forests mainly in the Northwest, but his existence has not been scientifically proven.

There have been scores of sightings, including in Spokane, Washington in May 2011, when a woman hiker captured a large figure on camera and uploaded the footage to YouTube.

The Animal Planet show Finding Bigfoot will visit Pocatello, Idaho next month to investigate the claims that Bigfoot could be in the area.
See below for video:

Zombie Attack Fever!

Story about cannibal from Miami went around the the world and shook the public by its bizarreness.

Here are the three stories about the:
1. direct consequences,
2. possible cause and
3. a similar event.

1. Miami Authorities Added ‘Zombie Attack’ Spot To History Miami Museum Tour 

Five days after a naked man chewed off 80% of a homeless man’s face on the side of the MacArthur Causeway, the location of the bloody attack has been added to a local sightseeing tour.
Dr. Paul George, who runs History Miami museum’s “Mystery, Mayhem, and Vice” crime tour, told the South Florida Business Journal, “Horrible as it was, it is part of our history. Currently, our tour takes us over the causeway right past the site, so this fits well.”
Previous “Vice” tours have taken onlookers by spots like the site of the attempted assassination of Franklin Roosevelt; Al Capone’s house; Casa Casuarina, where Gianni Versace was gunned down; and Miami City Cemetery.

2. Bath Salts: Were They Behind “Miami Zombie” Attack?

Police and doctors are reportedly blaming “bath salts” for the bizarre, grisly behavior of Rudy Eugene, who began devouring Ronald Poppo’s face last weekend.
“The symptoms of the attacker of eating human flesh and continuing to chew another man’s face after being shot six times leads me to believe it is possible it was a zombie attack,” Ryan Ray, senior, states, “Although biologically I do not believe in zombies.”
Authorities state that the attacker overdosed on cocaine and bath salt.
Either the zombie apocalypse is nigh, or Eugene was on something strong enough to prompt a psychotic, gruesome meltdown that seems incomprehensible.
Of course, because bath salts are made by “street chemists,” there’s really no way to know what chemicals are actually contained in any given quantity.
There’s also no medical test to detect bath salts in a patient. “The only way we know if someone has taken them is if they tell you,” one expert said.

3. Second Zombie Attack

There has been a second Zombie Attack in Texas. The bath salt Induced Sodomy Zombie Plague that I told you about yesterday has spread.
Police Officers were called to San Antonio home early Sunday to find Otty Sanchez, sitting on the couch with a stab wound to her chest and her throat slashed, screaming “I killed my baby! I killed my baby!” She told officers the devil made her do it, police said.
On the floor was her dead bloody baby, Scott Wesley Buccholtz-Sanchez. The 3 1/2-week-old boy lay dismembered in the bedroom, three of his toes had been chewed off, his face torn away, his head severed and his brains ripped out. The zombie mother had apparently ate the child’s brain and some other body parts before stabbing herself.

UFO Sphere Shocks Brazil

An unidentified metal sphere has plunged from the sky on unsuspecting villagers in northern Brazil, causing an uproar. According to eyewitnesses, the metalic UFO sphere with a diameter of about one meter and a weight of about 50 kilograms, crashed in the village of Riacho dos Poços, Maranhão state in the north of the country. Luckily no casualties were reported apart from an unfortunate cashew tree that was severed by the object as it plunged to the ground but the incident has created panic among locals who want an explanation.
Valdir José Mendes, 46, told police the sphere landed several meters from his house leaving a one-meter-deep hole in the yard.
“I heard the noise and I went out to see what caused it. I thought it was a plane that had fallen, or an earthquake,” he said.
The noise was such that Mendes was too scared to go outside. However, curiosity got the better of him and he headed outside to find the cashew tree’s trunk snapped in half by a mysterious metal sphere lying in a hole nearby.
Along with 20 other locals, Mendes dug the mysterious object out of the ground and claimed that a liquid could be heard inside. While some villagers are convinced that it is an object of extraterrestrial origin, others are more reasonable and believe that the UFO object would be a piece of a satellite.
Peter Costa, the meteorologist at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), agrees with Garetto, saying the object would probably be part of a satellite. “I’m sure this is not a weather balloon or part of it,” he said as quoted by O Imparcia.
Military police confiscated the sphere and took it to the barracks in the nearby Mata Roma. They have not specified what the UFO’s possible future will be. In a statement the Air Force Command said it “does not have specialized structures to perform scientific research on this type of aerial phenomena, which prevents the institution to submit an opinion on these events.”

UFO over London, England

UFO from outer space seems to exist, as shown in this footage, but scientists still do not have a reliable explanation.
These three lights flew about 5 minutes south west of London, England on 05/02/2012 / 02.05.2012. Twenty-six people have reported this celestial phenomenon.

Lights arranged in a triangle as a sign that you are on the trail of aliens

The video looks as if two objects disappear, and the third at high speed away in an unknown direction.
For now, all who testified about this event and feel overwhelmed by the impression that it is something alien because they have no other explanation.
Experts did not offered a reasonable explanation, so for now there is no official version of the story.

Call the fleecer, the woman is mad!

People say it is not news when dog bites man, but when a man bites a dogbelieve it or not it happened!
The policemen were shocked when on call came to a house and found a dog that has bitten by its drunken owner.
States of Illinois Police arrested the girl because she was physically attacked and bites the family dog while intoxicated.
To be more precise, Analise Garner bites her bulldog Kingston with such force and “bloodthirsty”, that the police had to intervene.
Neither Kingston remained innocent. The frightened dog returned its drunken owner, according to police, in self-defense.
“We will not raise any charges against the dog,” said police sergeant Mike Smith, the local media.
Police investigation showed that the angry girl first began to bite her mother and then began to move to the dog so hard that her teeth broke his skin. The court ordered her to be 72 hours removed from home, write the U.S. media.
A dog that has suffered trauma and physical injuries is now, according to a veterinarian, feeling good and is in rehab, while its owner have to face charges of cruelty to animals.

Meteor Explosion, Fireball Over California-Nevada, April 22, 2012

Astronomers say a loud explosion heard across a large swath of Nevada and California on Sunday morning was likely caused by a meteor, just after the peak of an annual meteor shower.
The sound of the explosion around 8am prompted a flood of calls to law enforcement agencies on both sides of the Sierra Nevada in the two states.
Observers in the Reno-Sparks area of Nevada reported seeing a fireball at about 8 a.m. local time, accompanied or followed by a thunderous clap that experts said could have been a sonic boom from the meteor or the sound of it breaking up high over the Earth.
“It made the shades in my room shake hard enough to slam into the window a couple times,” said Nicole Carlsen of the Reno area. “I kept looking for earthquake information, but (there was) nothing. I even checked the front of my house to make sure no one ran into the garage. I wish I had seen the meteor.”
Some people in the two states reported seeing a fireball streak across the sky at the same time.
 Being daylight, most of the reports are of a white object with blue and green being most mentioned secondary colors.  The average brightness reported by witnesses was between that of the sun and the light produced by a full moon. While this is most likely a random event, there is a possibility this fireball was a member of the Lyrid meteor shower. 
“From the reports, I have no doubt it was a fireball,” said Robert Lunsford of the Geneseo, N.Y.-based American Meteor Society. “It happens all the time, but most are in daytime and are missed. This one was extraordinarily bright in the daylight.”
Marcia Standifer of Spring Creek, near Elko, and her husband were out drinking coffee when they saw the fireball at the same time. “It was a very bright ball of white light, then dimmer to the horizon,” she said. “We thought this was very unusual due to the bright daylight and how vivid the object was.”
Tracey Cordaro of North Las Vegas said the sighting “took my breath away.” “It was amazing,” she said. “It looked as if it was disintegrating rapidly, but was still quite large when it disappeared from my view … (It was) bright green, visible in the bright sunlight.”

A fireball is a meteor that is larger than normal. Most meteors are only the size of tiny pebbles. A meteor the size of a softball can produce light equivalent to the full moon for a short instant. The reason for this is the extreme velocity at which these objects strike the atmosphere. Even the slowest meteors are still traveling at 10 miles per SECOND, which is much faster than a speeding bullet. Fireballs occur every day over all parts of the Earth. It is rare though for an individual to see more than one or two per lifetime as they can also occur during the day (when the blinding sun can obscure them), or on a cloudy night, or over the ocean where there is no one to witness them. Observing during one of the major annual meteor showers can increase your chance of seeing another bright meteor.
Very few meteors actually reach the ground as 99.99% completely disintegrate while still 10-20 miles up in the atmosphere.

Dan Ruby of the Fleischmann Planetarium at the University of Nevada, Reno, says the reports indicate the meteor broke up above Earth somewhere over the Sierra southwest of Reno. When debris enters the atmosphere it creates explosions similar to the sonic boom of a fast-moving aeroplane, according to meteorologists.
There were no reports of earthquakes at the time.

The mysterious UFO over South Korea caught in tape

Some kind of silver, saucer-shaped object was caught in tape by an airline passenger over the City of Seoul in South Korea on Saturday, 7th April 2012.

In the video, the unidentified passenger is filming the otherwise uneventful view from the plane’s window. Suddenly he makes a startled sound as the white saucer-like image comes into view. The UFO is seen at first holding steady with the plane’s pace, before rapidly picking up speed and darting out of the frame.
Later in the video, the purported UFO image is magnified. Ultimately, it looks more like an ivory colored bowler hat than a piece of futuristic flying technology. Is this just bad computer-generated imagery (CGI) and a cheap hoax from a prankster or a genuine unidentified object caught on film?

The video was uploaded by YouTube user ‘Crazybreakingnews’, who commented: ‘It looks a little bit strange and not really similar to the other videos. If it’s really real and not a fake, it looks like a kind of military drone.’

The same writer who speculates on the origin of this object also recently wrote about video taken from one of NASA’s live video feeds. In that video, three objects in a triangle formation appear on screen about five minutes into the video. Someone from NASA chimes in to say the object is actually a piece of foil, aka space junk, and that its reflection is giving the appearance of three objects in a triangle formation.

Several YouTube users are convinced it’s a UFO of some sort, but others remain sceptical.

Are we really alone in the universe?

England’s version of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’

Kayakers snap photo of England’s version of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’…
Nothing puts a damper on a serene afternoon’s kayaking like the sight of a primeval sea monster.
That was the rude lesson for Tom Pickles and Sarah Harrington, who’d taken their watercraft out on the foggy waters of Lake Windermere, only to encounter what appeared to be “an enormous snake” swimming by.
“It was petrifying and we paddled back to the shore straight away. At first I thought it was a dog and then saw it was much bigger and moving really quickly at about 10 mph,” the 24-year-old Pickles told The Telegraph. “Each hump was moving in a rippling motion and it was swimming fast. Its skin was like a seal’s but its shape was completely abnormal—it’s not like any animal I’ve ever seen before.”
But what did Pickles and Harrington expect? Didn’t they know that Lake Windermere is reputedly the home of the British version of the Loch Ness monster? In the past five years, sojourners on the lake have reported eight sightings of a Nessie-like serpent.
But the kayaking couple rallied from their shock and snapped the clearest photo of the Windermere “monster” since the sightings began. A journalism professor and his wife inaugurated the recent spate of Nessie-esque encounters on the lake back in 2006 reporting they had seen a “giant eel” somewhere between 15-20 feet long.
Ever since then, researchers have set out upon the lake with sonar equipment, in pursuit of “Bow-Nessie,” as the creature’s British compatriots like to call it. But so far, their efforts haven’t borne fruit.
Of course, people in Scotland have reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster since 1933, and even with dramatic advance sonar and video technology, Loch Ness research teams have likewise been unable to turn up any credible scientific evidence of its existence. Even its most noted hunter, Robert Rines, recently gave up his quest to find the beast after trying for nearly 40 years. “Unfortunately, I’m running out of age,” the 85 year-old Rines said last year when he announced he was calling it quits.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ian Winfield, a lake ecologist at the University of Lancaster, told The Sun he thinks the mysterious appartition people are seeing in Lake Windermere is merely a really big catfish. But all of this speculation overlooks the central mystery in the latest sighting: Why on earth would a couple go kayaking on an English lake in the middle of February?

Mysterious creature washes up on South Carolina shore

Something strange washed ashore on Folly Beach in South Carolina this past weekend. The beast had some wondering if it was some sort of new species. It could have been America’s answer to the Loch Ness Monster…
The corpse of a large, beady-eyed and scaly creature washed ashore on Folly Beach, much to the shock of locals. 
But, be not afraid. According to AOL’s Pawnation, the freakishly large creature may look alien, but it is harmless. A veterinarian from a South Carolina aquarium identified the fish as a Atlantic sturgeon.
The species can grow to be as big as 15 feet long and 800 pounds, but are usually around 10 feet long and 300 pounds. Reports say that these alien-like creature is actually harmless.
Their bodies are covered in bony plates called scutes rather then scales, and they have barbels on their faces that help them locate prey, characteristics which give them their bizarre appearance.
But this may be the last time residents in the area see a fish to this scale as sturgeons, which have been swimming our seas for 100 million years, are at risk.
Sturgeon populations are being hit hard by commercial fishing, with several species making the endangered list, as they are a popular target for caviar.