Girl makes portraits of chewing gum

Ukrainian artist Anna Sofia Matveyeva first chews gums, then sorts them by color and then heats them up in the microwave.
Her best works are portraits of Steve Jobs and Elton John. For portrait of Steve Jobs it was necessary over 1000 chewing gums while for a portrait of Elton John “only” 250 chewing gums.
Matveyeva currently creating a portrait of Mircea Lucescu, a manager of FC Shakhtar, for which, according to estimates, it will also be necessary 250 chewing gums.  
“Chewing gum is not only use as a material, it represents some sort of symbol,” says Matveyeva.
For creating a portrait she needs about ten days, while Steve Jobs portrait was making over three weeks. Each portrait weighs about five pounds, and Matveyeva hopes soon she will make her first exhibition.

Deaf Bulldog dancing to Guitar vibrations

Just because you’re deaf doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the vibrations produced by music. Which is what Jamynne Bowle’s English bulldog demonstrates when the deaf pooch feels the blues. Video of deaf dog rocking back and forth in time to the twelve-bar blues a friend chugs out on their acoustic guitar, has more than 30,000 shares since it was posted on Facebook in December.

Some commentators have tried to spoil the fun by claiming the dog is only scratching its butt on the carpet, but he’s surprisingly in-time with the music.

Website that deals with dogs, “For the Love of Dog” assumes that bulldog actually feel vibrations and dance in the rhythm, according to “Daily Mail”.

App for a perfect Halloween Costume

If you are not especially imaginative, or do not have time to properly prepare yourself for a masquerade costume, there are applications that will help you to prepare for the following Halloween.

“Digital Dudz” is a conceptual project of NASA engineer Robert Brand, who became famous for his incredible costume that was created for last year’s Halloween. Unfortunately, it cost about 920 euros – far from affordable. 
However, they do something for people with shallow pockets for this year’s costume: all you need is a T-shirt, smartphone, and “Digital Dudz” applications. The preparation of the costume takes about four minutes. 
Just follow the instructions on the video below:

Tornado Of Fire Caught On Tape In Australia

An Alice Springs filmmaker managed to shoot one of the rarest natural phenomena! It is a fiery tornado that occurs when a “pillar” of the hot air down to the ground and causing a fire.
Chris Tangey of Alice Springs Film and Television was scouting locations near Curtin Springs station, about 80km from Ularu, last week when confronted by a fiery phenomenon.

A small fire was burning in nearby bushland, so Mr Tangey decided to start filming. He caught the sight of his life. A twister touched down on the spot fire, fanning it into a furious tower of flame. “It sounded like a jet fighter going by, yet there wasn’t a breath of wind where we were,” he told the Northern Territory News.

Through the power of the body Terry Crews plays a bunch of instruments!

Some have the talent to play an instrument, some do not. And some just have a bunch of muscle and to know how to use them.

And after you tell how effective vatanje not worth it. And this man, you have to admit, is really phenomenal, no matter how much hearing may or may not he have.

Humpback Whale Scares Kayakers in California

From California arrives unbelievable video in which a giant Humpback Whale rises only a few inches from the kayak with one girl.

All filmed by Ronda Burmajster which says that was an unforgettable experience and one of the best in life for her and her daughter in a kayak. Although the girl and her mother passed without consequence, nearby couple in another kayak was not so lucky, whale pushed them aside.

This is not the first time that the California coast surfacing whales. A few days ago, retired Bill Baton from California snapped the amazing moment when a group of whale emerged from the water next to the boat and kayakers who have watching in amazement as the scene.

The Tormentor from Mareza

Shocking footage of animal torture in Montenegro, near Podgorica – the donkey was tied to a truck and dragged along the road. Eyewitnesses recorded the entire event and put on YouTube. The torturer is arrested.
V.S. (68) from Danilovgrad was arrested this morning on suspicion of having committed the crime of torture and killing of animals.
The police was announced that the VS tortured donkey on 18 August with a motor vehicle “TAM” ‘. In the footage is visible license plate number of the truck that the animal was tied – DG AG860.
Everything happened in a village Mareza.
The recording was titled “The Tormentor from Mareza”, and caused a great condemnation on the Internet.

Cameras Record Small Plane Crash

The survivors of a small plane crash managed to record their miraculous escape to show just how close their brush with death was.
Their experience is recorded with several cameras that were with them on board, reports AP.
One of the passengers Arhets Alex said that he and his friends were lucky to have survived. Arhets, and Nathan Williams recorded the flight in a small airplane 30th June, when the aircraft went down to the landing in MaCall.
The footage shows how the passengers on the plane ride a few minutes, and then the aircraft crashes.
“Then we thought that there was no chance of it actually happening,” said Arhets. Williams added that he got a concussion, a 70-year-old pilot Les Gropp broke his jaw.

Clam Eating Salt On Table

The tragic death of an ancient shell while running away from the table.

You’ll see the footage that allegedly showing a shell that is trying to lick the salt spilled on the table. However, it is really in a desperate attempt to escape, and this “experiment” will actually kill her, very slowly, because the salt corrodes and destroys its tissues.

What looks like a tongue actually a shell “foot”, a part of the body which is usually buried in the sand. The footage shows just how it is trying to do. Having got used to stay during low tide at dry places, shell from the footage behaves as it behaved when this happens – try to bury itself in the sand where it will be safe from predators.

Shells from the type of “Arctica islandica” live up to 225 years, and this from footage is about two centuries old.