See How Sharks Devour a Whale

Incredible footage has been made on the shores of Northwestern Australia.
About a 100 sharks has eating the remains of a dead whale on a beach in Australia as one of the swimmers recorded and put on Vimeo.
In the footage identified several species including tiger sharks and reef sharks, and some were and up to four meters long.

China news confuses rubber sexual toy for special mushroom

Residents of the Liucunbu village on the outskirts of the capital of the Shaanxi province say they came across a strange fungi-like object as they hit bedrock while drilling a new well. The perplexed villagers decided to call up their local TV station for help, which sent intrepid reporter Ye Yunfeng to their sleepy little hamlet to get down to the bottom of things.
One villager who was there during the fateful discovery of the unidentified object tells the reporter, “When we dug down to about 80m deep, we fished out this long, fleshy object. It’s got a nose and an eye, but we have no idea what it is!”
“Even our 80-year-old neighbour here says he has never seen anything like this before,” he adds.
Reporter Ye then begins to describe the curious object as the camera pans in on it. “As we can all see, this looks like a type of fungus, on both ends of which you’ll find mushroom heads.”
“On this side, you can see what looks like a pair of lips,” she adds. “And on that side, there is a tiny hole which extends all the way back to this side. The object looks very shiny, and it feels really fleshy and meaty too.”
“I’ve done my own research on the internet,” says the afore-mentioned villager. “It’s a type of lingzhi mushroom, called the taisui.” [Editor’s note: Taisui refers to 60 celestial generals named in the Chinese zodiac.]
Without skipping a beat, reporter Ye chimes in with her own research, saying this type of lingzhi is generally found in the Shaanxi region deep underground and is hence rarely seen. “When the Emperor Qin Shi Huang was on the hunt for the secret to longevity,” she elucidates, “it is said he discovered this lingzhi was the answer.”
Eagle-eyed viewers who saw the report on Sunday immediately identified the mystery mushroom as a double-headed masturbation toy with an artificial vagina on one side and an artificial anus on the other. Yes, you read that right, it was a jack-off aid that some guy used to spank his monkey when he wasn’t getting it from his wife.
Overnight, the video of the news report went viral on the Internet, chalking up a few million views across multiple video-sharing sites.

The next day, the embarrassed TV show issued the following apology on its Sina Weibo profile:

An open letter to all netizens and viewers: Hi everyone, one of our news reports which aired last night has made everyone laugh. This incident has been widely followed, shared and commented on. As our reporter was still very young and unwise to the ways of the world, this report has brought great inconvenience to everyone. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for your criticism and correction. Please forgive our oversight!

The villagers of Liucunbu, in the meanwhile, heaved a sigh of relief that they resisted their instinctual temptation to stir-fry the “mushroom” and put it in their mouth.

Ice cream with a flavor of absinthe and the holy water

The manufacturer of the controversial ice cream, made with human milk, has created a new flavor, a mixture of holy water and the absinthe.

Built in the shape of a gun, “Vice Lolly” consists of a quarter of 80-percent alcohol absinthe and the holy water from Lourdes in France. The green ice cream can only be purchased in London, and costs 18.58 pounds per piece.
Commercial for the ice cream is controversial as its flavor.
The price is set according to the 1858th year, when the Catholic Church declared sacred a source of water in Lourdes, as the 14-year-old girl had a vision of the Virgin Mary when she drink water from that source.
Absinthe is so strong that it was banned in England in Victorian times, a ban was lifted until 1998. year. Matt O’Connor, Mungos who made ice cream, it became known last year when he started selling ice cream made ​​with human milk. He hopes that the new ice cream cause similar controversy.
“I was born into a Catholic family and I wanted to say how I feel about religion. I took the traditional idea of ​​a children’s ice cream, then I am completely innocent of anything left in the most provocative concept possible,” said O’Connor.

Twitter, Google and Facebook from the 80’s

During the 80’s when the Apple ruled with his Apple II, IBM with its PC’s, and Microsoft worked on their first Windows, things were quite different. What do you think, how that phenomena such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, Angry Birds and the last actual Draw Something might looked 20 years ago?
All you who during the 80’s or 90’s have a PC, you’ve probably used DOS, Norton controller or something similar programs to start, more or less a game. BIOS is also a commonly used software because, hmm, we always have something set up.

Squirrel monkey-announced that they would have today successful services during the 80’s, in DOS.

Draw Something
Angry Birds

Even dogs sing national anthem in Russia

Russian patriotic dogs
For the citizen of one country there is no greater pride when it plays the national anthem in public. A rule is to stand up and put a hand on the heart. However, in Russia, even the dogs are proud to the national song.

In this world everything seems to be possible, even the dogs sing the national anthem. The author of this footage recorded the moment when a pack of dogs is readily accepted the Russian national anthem tune which is heard for the sound system.