Hellhound stalking again

Forget Bigfoot, panthers and UFOs…there’s something even more chilling on Cannock Chase. It’s time for the fabled Hellhound – a portent of doom – to take a bow-wow. Reports have been received on paranormal websites of the demonic dog roaming our area. The hound, also known as the ‘ghost dog of Brereton,’ has been seen on numerous occasions stalking the roads leading into Brereton.
The apparition has been described as large, black, muscular, with sharp pointed ears and strangly glowing eyes. British folklore indicates that the black dog forewarns death. The most prominent sightings happened in the 1970s, and early 1980s. Whilst driving through the Chase in 1972, Nigel Lea described seeing a ball of light crash into the ground. He slowed down to take a closer look and was confronted by ‘the biggest bloody dog I have ever seen.’ Within a month one of Mr Leas close friends died in a terrible industrial accident, which Mr Lea believed may be connected to the dog appirition. In the January, 1985, there was another report of the hell hound stalking Coal Pit Lane, Brereton.
Mrs Sylvia Everett, of Cannock Wood Road, described a strange misty figure moving across the road as she and her husband drove on a warm and clear summer night. Although they could not explain the incident, Mrs Everett believed that it may have been connected to the to the dog-lore of Brereton. Traditionally, demonic dogs are associated with grave yards, bridges, water, crossroads and places connected with violence and death. Approaching Brereton on the Rugeley Road you come to an ideal crossroad, where the Rugeley Road, Colliery Road, Stile Cop road, and Startley Lane meet. The area is also associated with the former Lea Hall and Brereton Collieries – hazardous places where workers at times met with terrible accidents. Could there be a connection between these sights and the spectral hound?…


Hazor was the name of four biblical places… The most well-known city of Hazor is near Lake Merom, where it was strategically located on ancient trade routes from the north, east and west. It was controlled by both the Canaanites and Israelites, and was a major military objective of various ancient kings from as far away as Egypt. It is now the largest archaeological site in Israel. “A stronghold of the Canaanites in the mountains north of Lake Merom (Josh. 11:1-5). Jabin the king with his allied tribes here encountered Joshua in a great battle. Joshua gained a signal victory, which virtually completed his conquest of Canaan (11:10-13).

Biblical Summary Hazor was a heathen Canaanite city. Conquered and burned by Joshua in his victory over a league of northern Canaanite cities at Lake Merom (Joshua 11:1-11). City came under the ownership of the tribe of Naphtali (Joshua 19:36). Later, Hazor was again taken by Canaanites. Deborah delivered Israel from the oppression of the King of Hazor and “king of Canaan” (Jabin) and his general Sisera (Judges 4-5). Hazor was again part of the kingdom of Israel. King Solomon fortified Hazor to control the northern portion of the “Way of the Sea” (1 Kings 9:15). Destroyed by Ben-Hadad I of Damascus when he invaded Israel at King Asa’s invitation (1 Kings 15:18). Rebuilt by Israelites (possibly by Omri or Ahab). Hazor destroyed for the last time by Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser III in 733 BC (2 Kings 15:29). The Israelites were taken captive to Assyria. This city was, however, afterwards rebuilt by the Canaanites, and was ruled by a king with the same hereditary name of Jabin. His army, under a noted leader of the name of Sisera, swept down upon the south, aiming at the complete subjugation of the country. This powerful army was met by the Israelites under Barak, who went forth by the advice of the prophetess Deborah. The result was one of the most remarkable victories for Israel recorded in the Old Testament (Josh. 19:36; Judg. 4:2; 1 Sam. 12:9). The city of Hazor was taken and occupied by the Israelites. It was fortified by Solomon to defend the entrance into the kingdom from Syria and Assyria. When Tiglath-pileser, the Assyrian king, invaded the land, this was one of the first cities he captured, carrying its inhabitants captive into Assyria (2 Kings 15:29) ” (Matthew G. Easton). ChristianAnswers.Net’s archaeology Team Member, Associates for Biblical Research, has been doing extensive research at Hazor: Why Dig Hazor? Hazor is an important and impressive site. In fact, Hazor is the largest archaeological site in Israel. This 200-acre city consists of two parts, the Upper City, or Acropolis, and the Lower City. The next largest cities, apart from Jerusalem, are Gezer and Lachish at 18 acres. Hazor is eleven times the size of these cities! “For the student of the Bible, Hazor has an impressive amount of Biblical history and the archaeological remains to go along with it. The first mention of Hazor in the Bible is in Joshua 11. “Joshua turned back at that time and took Hazor, and struck its king with the sword; for Hazor was formerly the head of all those kingdoms. And they struck all the people who were in it with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying them. There was none left breathing. Then he burned Hazor with fire. But as for the cities that stood on their mounds, Israel burned none of them, except Hazor only, which Joshua burned” (11:10,11,13; cf. 12:19). The first Israeli excavator of Hazor, Yigel Yadin, and the present excavator, Amnon Ben-Tor, believe the burn level of the Late Bronze II period is evidence of Joshuas destruction. Hazor was allotted to the tribe of Naphtali (Josh. 19:36) and is mentioned in the account of Judges 4 and 5, the story of Deborah and Barak (Judges 4:2-3, 24).

Yadin excavated a very impressive six-chambered gate dating to the 10th century BC and built by King Solomon. Similar gates from this period were discovered at Megiddo and Gezer. Yadin connected this phenomenon with a passage in the Scriptures, “And this is the reason for the labor force which King Solomon raised to build: to build the house of the LORD, his own house, the Millo, the wall of Jerusalem, Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer” (1 Kings 9:15). In the mid-8th century BC an extraordinary earthquake hit the Middle East. Amos (1:2) as well as Isaiah (2:19, 21) predicted this earthquake. Yadin discovered evidence for this earthquake in the 1950s in Area A. …Walls were uncovered that tilted to the south or east and collapsed floors were found. …The prophets warned the people to humble themselves because they were proud and haughty. If they did not, the prophets said, God would humble them with an earthquake (Isa. 2). …Based on the archaeological evidence, it was determined that the magnitude of this quake measured at 8.2 on the Richter scale! That was a big quake.
Israel, the Northern Kingdom, did not heed the words of the prophets. Amos predicted that a greater judgment would fall on Israel if they did not return to the Lord. That judgment was an invasion by the Assyrians. In 732 BC, the Assyrian king, Tiglath-Pileser III invaded Israel. “In the days of Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria came and took Ijon, Abel Beth Maachah, Janoah, Kedesh, Hazor, Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali; and he carried them captive to Assyria” (2 Kings 15:29; cf. Isa, 9:1).
At one point during the excavation I was clearing a street level, the area supervisor called it a junkyard. Among other things, I found five arrowheads, one spear point and a sickle, all possibly associated with the Assyrian attack on the city in 732 BC. As I was digging, I was wondering to myself, why would God allow the Assyrians to attack Israel? I recalled the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger and the staff in whose hand is my indignation. I will send him against and ungodly nation, and against the people of My wrath” (10:5, 6a).

God used the Assyrians to chasten Israel in order to bring them back to Himself. They did not respond positively to the message of the prophets so they were taken into captivity (Lev. 26:32-39; Deut. 28:58-67). Interestingly enough, Yadin discovered partially eaten pigs underneath the Assyrian destruction level. This indicates that the Israelites were eating pork just prior to the destruction of the city, something the prophet Isaiah condemned because the Mosaic Law forbade it (Isa. 65:1-4; 66:17, cf. Lev. 11:7).” Author of above text: Gordon Franz, Associates for Biblical Research

“A city in the south of Judah (Josh. 15:23). The name here should probably be connected with the word following, Ithnan, Hazor-Ithnan instead of “Hazor and Ithnan.'” “A district in Arabia (Jer. 49:28-33), supposed by some to be Jetor, i.e., Ituraea.” “‘Kerioth and Hezron'” (Josh. 15:25) should be “Kerioth-hezron” (as in the R.V.), the two names being joined together as the name of one place (e.g., like Kirjath-jearim), “the same is Hazor” (R.V.). This place has been identified with el-Kuryetein, and has been supposed to be the home of Judas Iscariot. (See Kerioth.)”

The Devil’s Triangle

What is the Devil’s Triangle? The Devil’s Triangle aka The Dragon’s Triangle is located near Miyake Island, somewhat south of Tokyo and one of the corners touches Guam. This area of ocean there are missing ships, missing people, missing airplanes, USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects), UFOs, thick menacing fog, strange waves, whirlpools, etc. What is really unusual is that on the exact opposite side is the Bermuda Triangle. Japan has declared the area of the Devil’s Triangle a danger zone. Since the Bermuda Triangle is on the opposite side of the Devil’s Triangle, this tells me that both areas, even though they are on the other side of the world are connected. There is no way that it is a mere coincidence that both areas are on the opposite side of the globe and harbor the same menacing phenomenon. One of the greatest people that disappeared in the Devil’s Triangle is Amelia Earhart. I believe there is a dimensional vortex that connects the Bermuda Triangle and Devil’s Triangle.
One of the strangest emails I received came in regarding the Devil’s Triangle. It reads in part:
“I was on a flight headed to Tokyo and I was in the window seat and as I was looking down I noticed a strange green mist over the ocean. As we were flying over the green mist (or was it fog?) the mist seemed to notice the airplane that I was on. It seemed to grow tentacles and I swear it seemed like it was reaching for the airplane. As I pointed this out to my mother, we were already past the strange mist. The mist was also rotating as if it were making a tunnel of some sort. I believe I witnessed something supernatural in the Devil’s Triangle. If you……….Robbie.”
It appears that areas of strange phenomenon such as the Dragon’s Triangle is always associated with fog or mist. Case example. The Philadelphia Experiment.
It is rumored and not substantiated that when the Philadelphia Experiment was taking place, scientists were using electric and magnetic fields and created an artificial fog to hide the ship. Powerful magnets were supposingly used. When these magnets were used and placed over calibrated rails and pulled towards a center, a bluish glow appeared that later took the form of a blue fog. One of the project coordinators for the Philadelphia experiment disappeared for an instant in the bluish fog and reappeared. When questioning this person, they described seeing a futuristic city with high towers. Could it be that this project coordinator was teleported through a dimensional rift via the fog? Could it be that somehow a black hole super gravitational effect was created with the use of powerful magnets? It is said that environmental changes occur at the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil’s Triangle. The same thing would happen if a maverick moving black hole were to come close to Earth, the first thing we would notice is the changing weather patterns. Somehow a fog is created when there is a distortion of the time/space continuum, it appears that way with the Moberly/Jourdain Versailles Time Slip, in which the two ladies Moberly and Jourdain went from their time period of 1901 to the period of the French Revolution. Before entering the time slip, they noticed a low fog. As they entered the fog, they found themselves back in time.
Also, it is interesting on how UFOs and USOs (which are probably one and the same) are attracted to areas like the Bermuda Triangle and Devil’s Triangle. Could it be that these areas are high energy sources for UFOs? Energy that UFOs can use as a fuel source to power their ships? Is the fog or mist that is seen, some kind of electrical or magnetic discharge? When the electrical magnetic forces pushes towards a high crescendo, it emits a fog like substance? Is that the reason why some UFOs are seen with a mist surrounding their ship?
Another case example is when three soldiers witnessed the bizarre disappearance of an entire battalion in 1915. They said a fog bank seemed to swallow up the battalion. It occurred during the infamous Gallipoli campaign of WWI. Three members of a New Zealand field company watched as a battalion of the Royal Norfolk Regiment marched up a hillside in Suvla Bay, Turkey into a heavy fog. They never came out. After the last of the battalion had entered the fog, the fog lifted up into the sky and became one with other clouds. The battalion was never seen again. I recently talked on the phone with John A. Vasquez who claims that in 1977, 1300 soldiers were abducted by UFOs at Ft. Benning, Georgia. I would be curious if any kind of fog appeared when these soldiers were taken. I once talked on the phone with Travis Walton who was abducted by a UFO, he mentioned besides the large light that lifted him into the ship, there was a mist around the Arizona landscape where the UFO was hovering. What is it with this mist?
Then a man named Gernon was a first hand witness to this strange phenomenon, that some people call electronic fog. On December 4, 1970, Gernon and his dad were flying their Bonanza A36 over the Bahamas. On route to Bimini they encountered a strange cloud phenomena. It appeared to be a tunnel-shaped vortex. As they flew their plane into the vortex, they could hear the plane’s wings scrape along the side of the vortex. All of the plane’s electronic and magnetic navigational instruments malfunctioned. The magnetic compass spun inexplicably. As they neared the end of the tunnel, they expected to see clear blue sky. Instead, they saw only a dull grayish white for miles and miles and miles. They could not see any ocean, sky or horizon for that matter. After flying for 34 minutes, they found themselves over Miami Beach. A flight like this would have taken 75 minutes.
To get to the bottom of this mystery, we need to do laboratory experiments to see if we can recreate electronic fog by the force of magnetic energy. And with this experiment to see if there is a disturbance in the space/time continuum. I believe the fog and mist has something to do with paranormal anomalies of time slips or dimensional slips. I am not a scientist, it’s just a hunch…