
Ibiza, the smallest of the three Balearic Islands, attracts thousands of people from all over Europe every year. Lying near its bigger sister Mallorca, Ibiza itself is an internationally leading tourist destination. Nicknamed the capital of electronic music, Ibiza has one of the best nightlife offers of Europe with several discos, bars and night clubs which have gained international reputation particularly because of the numerous intense dance music sessions and parties held during the summer months.

Nevertheless, the island of Ibiza is internationally known not only because of its non-stop party atmosphere, but also for its cultural and natural features. A great part of the island is listed under the United Nations World Heritage Sites. The treasures underlying this land are innumerable. Inland from the coastline, the traditional scenery of many villages and remote country houses and villas has remained intact, retaining the unique character of this island.

Ibiza is also the perfect destination for those seeking to enjoy of water sports, as surf, snorkeling and scuba diving, especially after spending time on the beach during those sun-drenched days. The island has several sport facilities along its striking seashore and many tourists and locals use this great opportunity to cool themselves down when the sun is really burning.

Immerse yourself in Ibiza, its unique culture, beautiful beaches, wild nightlife and friendly people – this unforgettable island boasts with both active and relaxing options, leaving anybody out of breath. No matter what you like, Ibiza will definitely delight you.

text taken from Ibiza Travel Guide