Girl makes portraits of chewing gum

Ukrainian artist Anna Sofia Matveyeva first chews gums, then sorts them by color and then heats them up in the microwave.
Her best works are portraits of Steve Jobs and Elton John. For portrait of Steve Jobs it was necessary over 1000 chewing gums while for a portrait of Elton John “only” 250 chewing gums.
Matveyeva currently creating a portrait of Mircea Lucescu, a manager of FC Shakhtar, for which, according to estimates, it will also be necessary 250 chewing gums.  
“Chewing gum is not only use as a material, it represents some sort of symbol,” says Matveyeva.
For creating a portrait she needs about ten days, while Steve Jobs portrait was making over three weeks. Each portrait weighs about five pounds, and Matveyeva hopes soon she will make her first exhibition.

Rio de Janeiro: Bar Codes on Sidewalks Give Tourist Info

Rio de Janeiro is mixing technology with tradition to provide tourists information about the city by embedding bar codes into the black and white mosaic sidewalks that are a symbol of the city.
The city installed its first two-dimensional bar codes, or QR codes, as they’re known, at Arpoador, the massive boulder that separates Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. The image was built into the sidewalk with the same black and white stones that decorate sidewalks around town with mosaics of waves, fish and abstract images.

With an accompanying smartphone application, onlookers were able to take snapshots of the mosaic QR codes with their phones or tablets before being directed to a website that disbursed information in Brazil’s native Portuguese, and also in Spanish and English. A map of the area was also included.

They learned, for example, that Arpoador gets big waves, making it a hot spot for surfing and giving the 500-meter beach nearby the name of “Praia do Diabo,” or Devil’s Beach. They could also find out that the rock is called Arpoador because fishermen once harpooned whales off the shore.

Each stone code reportedly takes about seven days to construct due to the level of precision necessary to make it scan, though some future iterations will be constructed out of different recycled materials. The next four, expected by March, will pop up at Redra do Leme, Sao Conrado Beach, Mirante do Leblon and Pepe Beach in Barra da Tijuca.

The Department of Conservation said it plans to implement the co-called QRIO project at 30 locations across the city by the year’s end and 50 locations by July 2014 when Rio hosts the FIFA World Cup.

Please, kill yourself at home!

City of London has launched an unusual campaign, which recently shocked all those who ride the metro in the city. The campaign is called “Kill yourself at home” is intended to reduce the number of suicides, especially those occurring at the metro stations.
Apparently, a large number of suicides in London takes place in a public place, mainly in the subway, which is a trauma for both drivers and users of transport.

The management of London has decided to deal with this phenomenon, which is why the government taped posters on subway on which is the box with pills above which say “Kill yourself at home.”, while the fine print below explained: “Why would you jump, when it is easier to swallow. Our customers and drivers alike will be grateful.”

How the campaign will be successful remains to be seen, in any case, this is a bizarre way.

Ritual Use of Caffeinated ‘Vomit Drink’

Caffeine-loaded black drinks apparently dominated the heartland of America earlier than once thought — a beverage neither coffee nor cola, but instead brewed from holly leaves, researchers say. Made from the roasted leaves of the Yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) that grew more than 300 miles away, researchers found evidence that inhabitants at Cahokia, “North America’s first city,” were enjoying caffeinated tea beverages some 700 to 900 years ago. Cahokia existed near the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers from about 1050 to 1350 in what is now in St. Louis, East St. Louis and the surrounding five counties, and inspired short-lived settlements as far away as Wisconsin. The core of this society, Greater Cahokia, had as many as 50,000 residents in its heyday living amidst earthen mounds, some more than 100 feet (30 meters) in height, making it the largest prehistoric North American settlement north of Mexico. 
The “black drink” was used by different groups for different purposes, but according to researchers it was a key component in a purification ritual before battle or other important events. The drink had as much as six times the amount of caffeine as a strong cup of coffee, which induced sweating. Quick consumption of the hot beverage allowed men to vomit, an important part of the purification ritual according to researchers.

The ancient people may have downed the brew before ritual vomiting as part of purification ceremonies, the scientists added. “We’re not sure when Native Americans stopped using black drink,” researcher Thomas Emerson, the director of the Illinois State Archaeological Survey, told LiveScience. “I think its use went more into the closet, due to pressure from Europeans to drop pagan practices.”

People in South America still make drinks from varieties of holly, like yerba maté and té o’ maté, though the drinks are typically made in more relaxed settings.
For many tribes of Native Americans, the black drink was a key component of purification rituals before war parties, religious ceremonies, important political councils or other important events. Rapid consumption of large quantities of the hot drink preceded ritual vomiting as part of the purification rituals. People in South America continue to make drinks from varieties of holly, such as yerba maté and té o’ maté, albeit in more relaxed contexts.

“I would argue that it was the first pan-Indian city in North America, because there are both widespread contacts and emigrants,” Emerson said. “The evidence from artifacts indicates that people from a broad region, what is now the Midwest and southeast U.S., were in contact with Cahokia. This is a level of population density, a level of political organization that has not been seen before in North America.”
How this early city held together for as long as it did has remained a mystery.

The study on the black drink appeared online in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences August 6.

Beijing’s Bizarre ‘Two-Fly’ Rule

Authorities in Beijing have set a new standard for public toilets called the “two fly rule.”
The name is exactly what it implies: No toilet in a public place should contain more than two flies.
The two-fly limit is one of a series of measures aimed at improving toilets in the Chinese capital.

Xie Guomin, the official in charge of the initiative, told the newspaper that the two-fly rule was not compulsory, but was a new benchmark to improve the Chinese capital’s notoriously unpleasant public restrooms. 

‘We will not actually count fly numbers. The regulation is specific and quantified, but the inspection methodology will be flexible,’ Guomin said.

The new regulations set forth aim to improve those public restrooms that are still unsatisfactory, and also to educate the public on clean bathroom habits.
It is not clear if failing washrooms will be punished and if so, how.

Even dogs sing national anthem in Russia

Russian patriotic dogs
For the citizen of one country there is no greater pride when it plays the national anthem in public. A rule is to stand up and put a hand on the heart. However, in Russia, even the dogs are proud to the national song.

In this world everything seems to be possible, even the dogs sing the national anthem. The author of this footage recorded the moment when a pack of dogs is readily accepted the Russian national anthem tune which is heard for the sound system.

Call the fleecer, the woman is mad!

People say it is not news when dog bites man, but when a man bites a dogbelieve it or not it happened!
The policemen were shocked when on call came to a house and found a dog that has bitten by its drunken owner.
States of Illinois Police arrested the girl because she was physically attacked and bites the family dog while intoxicated.
To be more precise, Analise Garner bites her bulldog Kingston with such force and “bloodthirsty”, that the police had to intervene.
Neither Kingston remained innocent. The frightened dog returned its drunken owner, according to police, in self-defense.
“We will not raise any charges against the dog,” said police sergeant Mike Smith, the local media.
Police investigation showed that the angry girl first began to bite her mother and then began to move to the dog so hard that her teeth broke his skin. The court ordered her to be 72 hours removed from home, write the U.S. media.
A dog that has suffered trauma and physical injuries is now, according to a veterinarian, feeling good and is in rehab, while its owner have to face charges of cruelty to animals.

Teachers can not wear thongs to school

In some schools, teachers in Macedonia received a prohibition on work wear jeans, shorts, see-through clothes, shirts and blouses with a deep neckline, t-shirts with the tregere bare back, and thongs underwear.
I wonder how they will be checked…? 😉

What clothes should be worn in schools is decided by the presidents of some municipalities. A ban was due to improper and indecent clothes educational workers. In some schools, educators are prohibited from carrying plastic bags, and snack, handy tools and notebooks must carry in their bags.

Teachers are not penalized, but have been criticized by the head. They have given them advice that for the job does not dress like the disco.
Before this prohibition some teachers were coming to class dressed as a schoolgirl, and then they had to order working coats in some schools.