A crop circle before the earthquake and the eclipse of the sun in Italy


Last month, before the solar eclipse, there was a mysterious crop circle in the small town Bracciano, Bertinoro in Italy, reports, “Discovery News.”
Earthquake, which occurred about 30 km from Bologna on 20th May, woke up a woman who has noticed circular spiral in the corn field. The circle has attracted the attention of self-styled experts on this phenomenon.
Some of them believe that this round of the spiral patterns is not accidental appeared just in time for the eclipse, and symbolically represents the process of the eclipse and the Sun and Earth. However, recent solar eclipse could be seen in Italy or elsewhere in Europe.
Mysterious circles from time to time appear in the meadows, fields of wheat, corn, oat fields around the world, and most of them are in England.
Many of them are made with such precision and detail, and many believe that this is not a human work, but “visitors from outer space.”


Winged Humanoid – Angel, an Extraterrestrial or a Hoax?


A new video has been circulating recently that claims to be evidence of an angel, or possibly an alien, making a quick stop down on Earth, then flying away in an instant. Is it the work of a holy being, or a homely prankster?

A security video taken on Sept. 11 last year, on a closed circuit television (CCTV) video in Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta, Indonesia.
It all happens pretty quick and was caught on a security camera nearby, even a few people ran over to inspect where the thing had landed – appears to show what YouTubers describe as an “angel-like spirit” flying into view and leaving in a burst of light seconds later.

First of all, we have one static picture, on which picture of alleged ‘light being’ is mounted. Nothing in that lobby moves except it. And then suddenly, after it disappears, we see a man in lower right quadrant of video who is walking by, who has suddenly appeared in almost middle of frame, coming from nowhere, apparently un-baffled by appearance of huge winged light creature in front of his undisplayed path. And creature illuminated entire floor of that building. People with flashlights then storm the area where the winged being appeared, seemingly to investigate the strange occurrence.

According to the time stamp on the video, this alien was recorded on September 11, 2011. A woman named Pramana Abbas commented on the event stating: “My cousin was in Cilandak on that night and the people who witnessed it was talking about it the whole night. Its real. They saw this bright light coming down from the sky, hit the ground, then took off.”

Some are saying that the video shows an angel — others think the “humanoid” figure might be a visit from another dimension.

Videos posted on YouTube are fascinating many as they show a mysterious burst of light that some say contains a “humanoid” figure inside. Is this footage of something we’ve never seen before, or another person trying to pass off a fake video as the real deal?


Vampire Skeletons found in Bulgaria


If you thought vampires were simply the stuff of myth and legend – and perhaps the odd teen horror film – think again.
Archaeologists in Bulgaria have found two medieval skeletons pierced through the chest with iron rods to supposedly stop them from turning into vampires.
According to pagan beliefs, people who were considered bad during their lifetimes might turn into vampires after death unless stabbed in the chest with an iron or wooden rod before being buried. 
Bozhidar Dimitrov, the head of the national history museum, discovered the remains in the town of Sozopol, which is located near the Black Sea. Regarding the discovery, Dimitrov explained, “These two skeletons stabbed with rods illustrate a practice which was common in some Bulgarian villages up until the first decade of the 20th century.” 
The practice was common, Dimitrov added, saying some 100 similar burials had already been found in Bulgaria.
According to him, ‘vampires’ were often aristocrats and clerics. He added: ‘The curious thing is that there are no women among them. They were not afraid of witches.’

However last month Italian researchers discovered what they believed to be the remains of a female ‘vampire’ in Venice – buried with a brick jammed between her jaws to prevent her feeding on victims of a plague which swept the city in the 16th century.
The skeleton was unearthed in a mass grave from the Venetian plague of 1576 – in which the artist Titian died – on Lazzaretto Nuovo, which lies around two miles northeast of Venice and was used as a sanitorium for plague sufferers.

Archaeologist Petar Balabanov, who in 2004 unearthed six nailed-down skeletons at a site near the eastern town of Debelt, said the pagan rite was also practiced in neighbouring Serbia and other Balkan countries.

Vampire legends form an important part of the region’s folklore. The most famous tale is that of Romanian count Vlad the Impaler, known as Dracula, who staked his war enemies and drank their blood. 


Bigfoot Spotted In Idaho?

A group of high school students believe they may have stumbled upon Bigfoot while in the Idaho wilderness for a class project.

The teenagers were in the woods near Mink Creek in Franklin County when they said they noticed a dark creature watching them from a ridge. Mysterious creature was caught on tape for a few seconds near Mink Creek before it retreated into the treeline.

The group then raced to the point they had seen the creature, and said they found a large foot imprint in the dirt and took a photograph of it. 

“It just didn’t look human-like. I don’t know what that is, it’s not a bear, it’s not a moose or anything. It was big and bulky and black,” said the student, who did not want to be identified on camera.
“I’m not going to say yes it was a Bigfoot or no it wasn’t, because I don’t know, and nobody knows,” the student told the news station.

Bigfoot is allegedly an ape-like creature said to inhabit forests mainly in the Northwest, but his existence has not been scientifically proven.

There have been scores of sightings, including in Spokane, Washington in May 2011, when a woman hiker captured a large figure on camera and uploaded the footage to YouTube.

The Animal Planet show Finding Bigfoot will visit Pocatello, Idaho next month to investigate the claims that Bigfoot could be in the area.
See below for video:


Mermaids: The Body Found


Could mermaids actually exist?
The idea of mermaids has tantalized seafarers for millenia! According to Charlie Foley’s speculative documentary “Mermaids: The Body Found,” which aired Memorial Day weekend on Animal Planet, “real” mermaids are more like those scary merfolk from “Harry Potter” than the Disney version.

Paul Robertson, a former employee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), speaks in a two-hour Animal Planet special about his experiences with his research team while they were investigating mass whale beachings around the world.

The film, begins with the real, actual fact that the Navy’s use of sonar systems is suspected by some scientists of contributing to whale beachings. And it takes note of an odd underwater sound known as the Bloop that was recorded in the Pacific Ocean in 1997. It turns out that whales haven’t been the only creatures beaching themselves; two boys in Washington State caught something else on a cellphone camera before the authorities swooped in and pressured them into silence.

Also, remains found inside a shark in South Africa were decidedly mermaidlike.
An expert uses those remains to reconstruct a mermaid, which, sadly, is not nearly as cute as Ariel from the Disney film and doesn’t have her flowing red hair. But the public never got to meet this model mermaid because the whole project was black-opped.

People are taking it super-seriously — even pointing to the fact that the website listed in the trailer, BelieveInMermaids.com, has been seized by the Department of Homeland Security.

Could there actually be a scientific grounding to this legend?


UFO Sphere Shocks Brazil

An unidentified metal sphere has plunged from the sky on unsuspecting villagers in northern Brazil, causing an uproar. According to eyewitnesses, the metalic UFO sphere with a diameter of about one meter and a weight of about 50 kilograms, crashed in the village of Riacho dos Poços, Maranhão state in the north of the country. Luckily no casualties were reported apart from an unfortunate cashew tree that was severed by the object as it plunged to the ground but the incident has created panic among locals who want an explanation.
Valdir José Mendes, 46, told police the sphere landed several meters from his house leaving a one-meter-deep hole in the yard.
“I heard the noise and I went out to see what caused it. I thought it was a plane that had fallen, or an earthquake,” he said.
The noise was such that Mendes was too scared to go outside. However, curiosity got the better of him and he headed outside to find the cashew tree’s trunk snapped in half by a mysterious metal sphere lying in a hole nearby.
Along with 20 other locals, Mendes dug the mysterious object out of the ground and claimed that a liquid could be heard inside. While some villagers are convinced that it is an object of extraterrestrial origin, others are more reasonable and believe that the UFO object would be a piece of a satellite.
Peter Costa, the meteorologist at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), agrees with Garetto, saying the object would probably be part of a satellite. “I’m sure this is not a weather balloon or part of it,” he said as quoted by O Imparcia.
Military police confiscated the sphere and took it to the barracks in the nearby Mata Roma. They have not specified what the UFO’s possible future will be. In a statement the Air Force Command said it “does not have specialized structures to perform scientific research on this type of aerial phenomena, which prevents the institution to submit an opinion on these events.”


Ancient Curses Revealed Black Magic

At a time when black magic was relatively common, two curses involving snakes were cast, one targeting a senator and the other an animal doctor, says a Spanish researcher who has just deciphered the 1,600-year-old curses.
Both curses feature a depiction of a deity, possibly the Greek goddess Hekate, with serpents coming out of her hair, possibly meant to strike at the victims. 
The two curses, mainly written in Latin and inscribed on thin lead tablets, would have been created by two different people late in the life of the Roman Empire. Both tablets were rediscovered in 2009 at the Museo Archeologico Civico di Bologna, in Italy, and were originally acquired by the museum during the late 19th century. Although scholars aren’t sure where the tablets originated, after examining and deciphering the curses, they know who victims of the curses were.
One of the curses targets a Roman senator named Fistus and appears to be the only known example of a cursed senator. The other curse targets a veterinarian named Porcello. 
1. May all his limbs dissolve…
A drawing of the curse tablet that targets the Roman Senator. The text reads in part, “Crush, kill Fistus the senator … May Fistus dilute, languish, sink and may all his limbs dissolve …”

2. Kill the pig

This curse tablet targets a veterinarian named Porcello. At top is a deity with snakes coming out of its head and an eight figured sign on its genitals. On the bottom is Porcello, shown in a mummified state with his name written on his arms. The curse is written in Latin with Greek invocations. Part of the curse reads “Destroy, crush, kill, strangle Porcello and wife Maurilla. Their soul, heart, buttocks, liver…”


Mysterious Deep Sea Cascade Creature Caught on Cam

A huge weird blob was filmed by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) near an underwater drilling site and it’s been named the Cascade Creature. It’s size is very big, somewhere around six meters, it’s brownish skin has hexagonal shapes on it and it’s extremely weird and creepy.

As soon as the video turned viral, scientists of all sorts hopped to analyze the strange footage, in hopes that they can clarify what all the commotion is about. Some have said it’s something man-made: like a huge fishing net, but they were soon contradicted by the very evident elements that prove this huge creature was once alive. It has an intricate blood vessel system and the texture of it’s “skin” confirms it was once a living creature.

Assessments from experts such as Steven Haddock at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and Craig McClain at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center have cleared up the mystery, though perhaps disappointing fans of extraterrestrial theories. They concluded that the cascade creature is indeed a Deepstaria enigmatica. The scientist declared that:

“This bag-like jelly is not that rare, but is large, so rarely seen intact. In the video, the swirling from the sub makes the medusa appear to undulate and it even turns inside-out … The web-like pattern is not a nerve net, as some comments have said. It is branches from their digestive system”

According to Wikipedia, “Deepstaria enigmatica, is a jellyfish of the family Ulmaridae first described in 1967 by F.S. Russel. The bell of this jellyfish is very thin and wide (up to approx. 60 cm), and resembles a translucent, folding sheet or “lava lamp” as the animal moves.”

Meanwhile, according to the Marine Species Identification Portal, the Deepstaria enigmatica is found in the South Atlantic Ocean, with a bell that can measure up to 60cm in diameter. The portal adds that the jellyfish has “oral arms” which end in “curious hook-shaped organs.”

Have a look at the video below and let us know what you think it may be:
