UFO over London, England

UFO from outer space seems to exist, as shown in this footage, but scientists still do not have a reliable explanation.
These three lights flew about 5 minutes south west of London, England on 05/02/2012 / 02.05.2012. Twenty-six people have reported this celestial phenomenon.

Lights arranged in a triangle as a sign that you are on the trail of aliens

The video looks as if two objects disappear, and the third at high speed away in an unknown direction.
For now, all who testified about this event and feel overwhelmed by the impression that it is something alien because they have no other explanation.
Experts did not offered a reasonable explanation, so for now there is no official version of the story.


Weird spirals on Mars’ surface

Giant coils of lava on Mars suggest a mysterious network of valleys on the planet was born from volcanoes, researchers say. The origin of the Athabasca Valles region near the equator of Mars has been debated for more than a decade. Some researchers have proposed that lava once shaped the valleys, while others have thought ice was responsible.
Andy Ryan, a planetary geologist at Arizona State University, didn’t notice these enigmatic coils on the Martian surface at first. It wasn’t until he took a second, closer look at images of the Red Planet that the odd spirals came into focus. Ryan was looking into an area called the Athabasca Valles, a large (about 100,000 square miles), canyon-like valley near Mars’ equator. At the head of the valley is a series of cracks called the Cerberus Fossae, and at the base the valley opens into a huge, flat area.
The way the ground there is patterned with multisided polygons suggests that either fire or ice could be the culprit – such patterns of cracks might have formed due to seasonal fluctuations in temperature if the surface there was rich in ice, but also might have arose as lava cooled and fractured.
The direction of the coil can tell planetary geologists how the lava was moving as it flowed, and reveals that the surface of the vast area is coated with lava. More than 5000 cubic kilometers worth of lava pooled in the Cerberus Palus on Mars, forming a giant lava lake.

Ryan spotted these coils with the HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) instrument, a camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that takes detailed images of Mars’ surface, and which planetary geologists use to study the planet’s history and composition. Ryan performed his analysis using more than 100 high resolution images beamed back by the NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Ryan said the large spiral coils there, in the Elysium volcanic province of Mars, range from five to 30 meters (16 to 100 feet) wide and could not have been formed by ice- or water-related processes.Now high-resolution images beamed back by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter of the Red Planet have revealed 269 spirals of lava that researchers say cannot be explained by ice-related activity. “This is the first time lava coils have been identified on an extraterrestrial setting,” study lead author Andrew Ryan at Arizona State University told SPACE.com. “The most surprising thing about these features when I first saw them was how well-preserved they are.”

Ryan spotted all these coils, ranging from 16 to 98 feet wide (5 to 30 meters), by eye. “You can’t see them unless you zoom in really close, and even then they’re really subtle — it’s pretty dusty there, so the images are just a pale gray color, and they don’t really jump out until you boost the contrast, so it’s not surprising at all to me that they’ve been overlooked before,” Ryan said.
And if Ryan is right that it was lava, not ice, that left these graceful spirals drawn on the surface of Mars, other questions remain. For one thing, scientists still aren’t sure how the Athabasca Valles itself formed.
Their excellent preservation, along with the lack of craters in the cooled lava, suggests the volcanic eruption didn’t take place all that long ago.
A small lava coil on pahoehoe flow, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i(see the pocket knife for scale.) Credit: W.W. Chadwick
Cooling lava on Mars can form patterns like snail shells when the lava is pulled in two directions at once. Such patterns, rare on Earth, have never before been seen on Mars.
The lava left behind telltale coils as seen on some parts of Earth, like on the Big Island of Hawaii and in submarine lava flows near the Galapagos Rift on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, said the findings in the journal Science. They usually form along slow-moving shear zones in a flow; for example, along the margins of a small channel, and the direction of the flow can be determined from a lava coil.
Mars is the home of the largest known volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, which towers over Mars’ western hemisphere. At 16 miles (25 km) high, it is about three times as tall as Mount Everest, Earth’s highest mountain.
But don’t start a Martian volcano watch just yet. It will probably be millions of years before the Red Planet has another eruption.


The mystery of the monolith on Mars

An image of what appears to be a mysterious rocky monument on Mars has excited space junkies around the world.

The ‘monolith’, was snapped from 165miles away using a special high resolution camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

After being published on the website Lunar Explorer Italia, it set tongues wagging with space buffs questioning whether there was once life on the Red Planet.

How the experts see it: The original HiRISE satellite image supplied to Mail Online by the University of Arizona showing a close up of what appears to be a ‘monolith’ on Mars

How the science junkies saw it: Three images of the ‘monolith’ (close, closer, closest) as they appeared on the website Lunar Explorer Italia

But scientists at the University of Arizona, who captured the original image, reckon it’s just an unremarkable boulder, which could measure up to five metres across.

Yisrael Spinoza, a spokesman for the HiRISE department of the university’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, gave Mail Online the original image so readers can make up their own minds.

He said: ‘It would be unwise to refer to it as a “monolith” or “structure” because that implies something artificial, like it was put there by someone for example.

From further away: The circled area show where the rectangular feature was discovered

‘In reality it’s more likely that this boulder has been created by breaking away from the bedrock to create a rectangular-shaped feature.’

The image seems to resemble the black monolith that appears during key moments of man’s evolution in the Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The original image, taken last July, was published again this week on the University of Arizona’s HiRISE website on the ‘spotlight’ page which seems to have led to the renewed interest.

‘Is it possible that there used to be an ancient civilization on Mars?’ former Montreal radio presenter David Tyler asked on his blog.

‘Is it possible that NASA already knows the answer? Could this be the final straw for disclosure?’

The black monolith appears at turning points of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick

A monolith found on Phobos (l) was described recently by Buzz Aldrin, pictured here in his Apollo space suit

But speaking about the satellite picture scientist Alfred McEwen, the principal investigator from the University of Arizona’s HiRISE department, said: ‘There are lots of rectangular boulders on Earth and Mars and other planets.

‘Layering from rock deposition combined with tectonic fractures creates right-angle planes of weakness such that rectangular blocks tend to weather out and separate from the bedrock.’

Fuel was added to the flames after Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, alluded to a similar monolith detected on Mars’ moon Phobos.

Speaking on a U.S. cable television channel last week he said: ‘We should visit the moons of Mars.

‘There’s a monolith there – a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours.

An image sent by the Viking spacecraft in 1976 seemed to show a human-like face on the surface of Mars

‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.’

In 2007 the Canadian Space Agency funded a study for an unmanned mission to Phobos known as PRIME (Phobos Reconnaissance and International Mars Exploration).

The building-sized monolith is the main proposed landing site but not because scientists suspect UFO activity. They believe the object is a boulder exposed relatively recently in an otherwise featureless area of the asteroid-like moon.

Justify Full

PRIME investigator Dr Alan Hildebrand said it could answer questions about the moon’s composition and history.

‘If we can get to that object, we likely don’t need to go anywhere else,’ he told his science team.

The fact it seems to resemble a rectangular monument could be due to simulacra. This is where humans see familar images in random surroundings such as the famous ‘Face of Mars’, which is actually just a hilly and cratered area.


Bloody Mary

Legend: Chanting “Bloody Mary!” thirteen times in front of a candlelit mirror will summon a vengeful spirit.


If you go into the bathroom and look into the mirror with the lights off and the room completely black, and then say ‘Bloody Mary’ thirteen times, a woman will appear and scratch your face up/off.

I was told that if you said “Hell Mary” seven times in front of a mirror in a dark room, you would see Satan’s image in the mirror. The story was embellished further by the teller, who claimed that after three “Hell Mary”, the mirror turned red, and that after five an unclear face appeared.

Here’s how I always heard the story. You go into a room with a mirror and turn all the lights off (this works well in a bathroom). You begin, in a whisper, to chant “bloody mary. bloody mary, Bloody Mary”, as you continue to chant your voice should grow louder and louder into a near scream. While you are chanting you should be spinning around at a medium rate and taking a glimpse in the mirror at each pass. Near the 13th repetition of the words . . . “she” should appear and…?

A frend of mine said that her roommate tried this and ran out screaming from the bathroom. She was shaking and appeared genuinely terrified and refused to talk about the incident, but those who were around her when she came out noticed that her clenched fingers were covered in blood.


  • The avenging spirit goes by many names: Bloody Mary, Bloody Bones, Hell Mary, Mary Worth, Mary Worthington, Mary Whales, Mary Johnson, Mary Lou, Mary Jane, Sally, Kathy, Agnes, Black Agnes, Aggie, Svarte Madame.
  • Summoning Mary requires the right chant. “I believe in Mary Worth” is the key phrase according to one version, but others require the shouting of “Kathy, come out!” or the repetition of “Bloody Mary” into the mirror as many times as the ritual demands. (Sometimes Bloody Mary gets more of a script and is summoned by calls of “Bloody Mary! I killed your baby!”)
  • The precise requirements of the ritual vary. Some specify that the mirror must be illuminated by a single candle; in others, there must be a candle on each side. In some versions, the message to Mary is repeated by just one girl who is either a volunteer or one selected by the others to summon up the mirror-witch. The number of chants needed to fetch Mary also varies.
  • What the mirror-witch does upon arrival varies too. She may strike her summoner dead, drive her mad, or fiercely scratch her face. She may merely peer malevolently out through the mirror, or she may drag one of the girls back through it to live with her.

Origins: The research into Bloody Mary goes back to 1978, when folklorist Janet Langlois published her essay on the legend. Belief in summoning the mirror-witch was even at that time widespread throughout the U.S.

Mary is summoned whenever squealing girls get together for a sleepover, but boys have been known to call on her too. (The ‘Bloody Mary’ legend was common when I was a kid in the early 1970s. We typically performed the “ritual” in bathrooms, because the bathrooms of our suburban homes had large mirrors and were easily darkened even during the day since they had no windows. A familiar ‘Bloody Mary’ story was one about a girl who supposedly ended her incantation with a spiteful “I don’t believe in Mary Worth,” then tripped over the doorjamb while exiting the bathroom and broke her


Mary is said to be a witch who was executed a hundred years ago for plying the black arts, or a woman of more modern times who died in a local car accident in which her face was hideously mutilated.

Some confuse the mirror witch with Mary I of England, whom history remembers as “Bloody Mary.” An expanded version of that confusion has it that this murdering British queen killed young girls so she could bathe in their blood to preserve her youthful appearance. (That legend more properly attaches to Elizabeth Bathory, a Hungarian countess who lived from 1560 to 1614.)

Mary I of England (1553-1558) was anything but a famed beauty terrified of losing her looks — she was a matronly, fortyish woman who had about as much sense of style as a dust mop. The idea of her bathing in the blood of slaughtered virgins to preserve her loveliness is ludicrous. She came by the moniker “Bloody Mary” because she had a number of Protestants put to death during her reign, as she tried to re-establish Catholicism as the religion of the land after the reigns of her father (Henry VIII, he who married six wives over the course of his lifetime and established himself as the head of a new religion rather than tolerate the Pope’s saying he couldn’t divorce wife #1 to marry wife #2) and her brother (Edward VI, who ruled after Henry died but passed away himself at the age of 16). Mary was a devoutly religious woman who saw what she was doing as the saving of her subjects’ souls from eternal damnation, and in those times — as crazy as this sounds now — the eternal wellbeing of a soul was deemed far more important than the comparatively fleeting life of a person. That bringing the country back to Catholicism would also safeguard her throne was also a major consideration.

Mary I was the half sister of Elizabeth I (1558-1603). Both were daughters of Henry VIII, but Mary’s mother was Katherine of Aragon and Elizabeth’s mother was Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth I became Queen upon Mary’s death. During her reign, Elizabeth returned the country to Protestantism and in the process ordered the deaths of at least as many of her subjects as her half-sister did during her time on the throne, yet she earned the sobriquet “The Virgin Queen” (she never married) rather than any version of “Bloody Elizabeth.”

Some muddlings of this “murdering queen” variant claim that Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1567) is the “bloody Mary” of mirror summonings. Though this Mary was indeed a vain and foolish woman, history does not know her as a murderous one. (Well, she did have a hand in doing away with a husband. But she didn’t go after her subjects en masse, as did Mary I of England.)

So, although there was a British queen known as “Bloody Mary,” no connection between her and the mirror witch has surfaced, save for their both having the same name. Likewise, the “Mary Worth” appellation of the malevolent apparition doesn’t appear to be drawn from the lead character of a popular comic strip of the same name. In lore, as elsewhere, coincidences occur.

Why would otherwise rational youngsters want to risk setting a murderous spirit on the rampage? Gail de Vos offers the following explanation:

So why do children continue to summon Bloody Mary, flirting with danger and possible tragedy? The ages between 9 and 12 are labeled “the Robinson age” by psychologists. This is the period when children need to satisfy their craving for excitement by participating in ritual games and playing in the dark. They are constantly looking for a safe way to extract pleasure and release anxiety and fears.

It’s possible these “mirror witch” games have their roots in oldtime divining rituals involving unmarried girls and future husbands. There are a number of variations of these divinations, some involving chanting a rhyme in a darkened room on a special night and then quickly looking in the mirror to catch a glimpse of the bridegroom-to-be.

The concept of mirrors as portals between this world and the realm of spirits shows up in other beliefs, namely those surrounding funerals. It was common practice to cover mirrors in a house where a death had occurred until the body was taken for burial. (Back in the days before funeral homes, corpses were washed by the deceased’s relatives, dressed in their funeral finery, and laid out in coffins in the front parlor. Consequently, the dead would be in the house for days.) It was believed if the dear departed caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror, his ghost would remain in the house because the mirror would trap his spirit.

Barbara “be Canadian — summon a Bloody Mary every time you’re in a bar” Mikkelson

Sightings: The villain in the 1992 film Candyman is summoned by chanting his name into a mirror. In the 1998 movie Urban Legend, two co-eds try to summon an evil spirit by chanting ‘Bloody Mary.’ In an episode of television’s The X Files (“Syzygy,” original air date 26 January 1996), two teenage girls lure a rival for a boy’s affections into the bathroom — and a “Bloody Mary” ritual — during a birthday party. They prevent her from leaving the bathroom, and the camera cuts to the rest of the partygoers downstairs, who hear a crash of breaking glass and a scream.

The Sacred Geometry and Symbols of Washington DC

Symbols are seen as a concept or intention, and also stand-for a referent or extension from anything, from religion to a chemical compound and most importantly, secrete society’s. Symbols have been around sense the beginning of time. With out symbols we would have no written language. Numbers are symbols, letters are symbols and they each have their specific meaning. Obvious, right? The thing is, most people don’t realize many of the symbols that surround them, nor do they understand their true meaning. Do you ever remember taking a class in high school about symbols? No, of course not, and why? Because if people knew the true meanings of all the symbols that are in the Capitol, the public would be much clearer on the origin’s of certain club’s and secret society’s that control the United States and much of world. Once we start to connect the dots, the truth about secrete society’s controlling the United States starts to become very clear and just as obvious as any number or letter. Once you make the conscious effort to recognize the true meaning of the symbols that are laid throughout in the Geometry of Washington D.C. you will be astonished to what you’ll find.
The one secret society that seems to have the most influence throughout Washington D.C. are the Freemasons. Now some may say that the Freemasons are not a secret at all and that they have nothing to hide. But on the other hand when out break down the history of masonic symbols, their meanings and the positioning of these symbols throughout the city you’ll truly see how influencing these masons really were. So lets take a look at the layout of the roads and the positioning of important sites throughout the city. Just for fun take a map of Washington DC , a pencil, ruler and a compass. You’ll be able to map out all sorts of pentagrams, hexagrams, triangles, crosses and even a pentagram (upside-down five pointed star). It’s doesn’t take a genius to see them, it’s quite obvious. So what’s the significance? Well for starters many of the Freemason symbols are very heavily influenced by the ancient Egyptians and It’s important to understand that Egyptians were heavily influenced by the stars, like how they built the pyramids in perfect alignment with the belt of Orion. It’s still unexplained on how the Egyptians were so accurate with their astronomy.

Here we have the great pyramid showing the king and queens chambers along with the holes that go through to the outside in order for certain stars to shine through them at a particular time of the year. What is so fascinating about this is how perfect the angles are through out the entire pyramid and how they relate the are earths Ecliptic plane, Ecliptic Pole, Axis or Celestial Pole and the Equator.

Let’s mention the most important angle of all, 23.5 degrees or 23.42 to be precise. This is the angle that our earths axis is tilted at from the Ecliptic Plane. What gives this angle such significance is the fact that the ancient Egyptians knew about this angle of the earths axis at a time when the tools of astronomy were archaic, how they were able to figure it out is still a mystery today.

Now here is a picture that reveals the angles that connect the apex and the two bottom corners to the king and queens chambers and as well the chambers themselves.

Here is a diagram to make these angles a little clearer for you. The angles exist only between five significant points. Gray points out that this is no random occurrence.

The five points are:
1- The Apex
2&3 – The two corners
4&5 – The two chambers
Here we see the angle 23.5 repeated a few times.

As you can see the line between the two base corners (north and south) and the queens chamber is at an angle of 11.75 which times two = 23.5. Then you’ll notice that the line from point two being the south corner going the kings chamber in precisely 23.5. Now the question is how do we know they were actually correlating the angles of the pyramid to the earths axis? We can confirm this by looking at a typical diagram of the earth and over lapping the diagrams on top of one-another. Even know that the capstone of the Great Pyramid is missing, we find that it is actually pointing to it’s own location on the earth via it’s Apex.

How did Osborn come to this conclusion? If you look at the diagram above the king’s chamber is at an offset from the Apex by 6.5 degrees. These angles match the geophysical picture of the tilted axis of the earth and the Great Pyramids position on the earth. There for in relation from it being 30 degrees from the equator and as the earth turns it comes as close as 6.5 degrees from the Ecliptic Plane. Now subtract 6.5 from 30 and you get 23.5 degrees.

This diagram here shows the two positions of the Great Pyramid on the earth as the earth turns on a daily bases. As you can see it comes as close as 6.5 degrees and as far as 53.5 from the Ecliptic plane.

OK, so the Great Pyramid is precisely 2,125 meters short of being exactly 30 degrees from the equator. It’s exact location is 29.98 degrees which would make the calculations something like one millimeter short of a ten feet to put it in perspective.

This diagram is where it really gets exciting. As you can see when you put the diagram of the Great Pyramid in cross section along with the angles we find that everything lines-up perfectly and that the Great Pyramid is actually pointing to it’s own location on earth.

So now the the real question becomes,was this done intentionally or mere coincidence.

Lets move on to Washington DC shall we.

Here we have the layout of DC. See anything interesting? Like all the angles of the roads seeming to correlate with the angles used to create the Great Pyramid. Coincidence? I think not, this was very carefully planned by the Freemasons, but the big question is why?

Here is a diagram of the hidden geometry within the angular dimensions of the great pyramid and you’ll notice that the precise angle of the sides of the Great Pyramid are actually 51.84 degrees.

Take that diagram and over lap on a map of Washington DC and you’ll see that the streets and buildings match exactly to the same geometric angles of the Great Pyramid.

Now here we have what is called the “tree of life” which depicts the 22 paths or channels that connect the Sephiroth levels or spheres. This “tree of life” was said to originate from Sumeria and is very much like the “sacred tree” that has been seen on early Mesopotamian cylinder seals. The same seals that mention the Annunaki or (the people who came from the sky). This “tree of life” has been depicted in many different forms over the centuries and this picture is a depiction by the Qabbalah.

Take a closer look at the pictures above to see the meanings of each specific placement of each point.

Then of-course we lay the older version of the “tree of life” on top of a map of DC and you’ll again find a perfect match along with the angles of the Great Pyramid. We also see that many of the points correspond with major landmarks throughout the city.

Jefferson Monument – Malkuth, otherwise known as “the kingdom” this is the lowest level.
Washington Monument – Yesod, also known as “the foundation”
The White House – Tiphereth, otherwise known as “Beauty” (of the human soul).
The Apex of the tree and the Pyramid – Kether, known as “the father” or “Supreme Crown” and also corresponds with the Hindu “Crown Chaka” this is known as the highest level.
The Apex represents the source center of creation or point zero, and there is nothing on the map of any significance at this location.

Well something that is quite interesting though, is the fact that the “all seeing eye” on the dollar bill as we all know is located just under the capstone of the pyramid and just three blocks east or down from the Apex is the “House of the Temple” which is the headquarters of the supreme council, of the 33 degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

If you notice, the all seeing eye is in correspondence with the headquarters of the supreme council, of the 33 degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and recently discovered by Dan Brown (Author of “The De Vinci Code”) in his new novel “The Lost Symbol” we find that this is the place of the 33rd -degree “initiation ritual”. The 33rd degree is the highest level you can reach within the brotherhood of freemasonry. Maybe it’s just shear coincidence, maybe not. Lets look at these next pictures and you can put it together for yourself.

So as we see the angle of 23.5 degrees has great significance and it was the Freemasons that designed the layout of Washington DC.

I personally believe that DC was laid out the way it was in order to create specific energy points throughout the city. Just like the Chakras in the human body. I believe this ancient geometry stems down form the Egyptians who got there knowledge from other beings not of this earth. It would only make sense, who ell’s would these people of great power be conspiring for. Think about it, the Capital of the United States has been constructed using sacred ancient Egyptian geometry that came from beings not of this world by the Freemasons who still to this day practice satanic rituals by drinking blood-wine out of a human scull. The evidence is right in front of you, it’s just a matter of seeing it.


Valley of the Pyramids in the Peru

Peru is rapidly becoming the capital of the pyramid world. Not only does it have the oldest officially recorded pyramid in the world (Caral), with each archaeologist’s spade dig, more pyramid complexes are uncovered.

Purgatorio (purgatory) is the name by which local people refer to the dozens of prehispanic pyramids, enclosures and mounds found on the plain around La Raya Mountain, south of the La Leche River. The Lambayeque Valley boats scores natural and man-made waterways. lt is also a region of numerous pyramids.

It has no less than three pyramid cities, which together have a stunning total of 250 pyramids. The three cities were built in succession of each other, each abandoned before a new one was built.
The first is known as Pampa Grande and was built between 600 and 750 AD. In 700 AD, the pyramid of Pampa Grande, known as Huaca Fortaleza, was built, reaching fifty metres high, and measuring 200 metres in width. Though much of the structure remains intact, visually, it is not all that impressive. The next complex was that of Batan Grande, built between 750 and 1100 AD. The city had 34 pyramids, including the Huaca de Oro (Pyramid of Gold), in front of which a series of royal tombs were located. The pyramids are now badly eroded, due to El Niño rains in 1982 and 1998. But the biggest destruction to the site was man-made when in ca. 1100 AD, the pyramid was burnt and the town abandoned, to be succeeded by Tucume, from 1100 AD until 1500 AD.

The site of Tucume, covering an area of over 540 acres and encompassing 26 major pyramids and platforms, is part of the Lambayeque Valley, the largest valley of the North Coast of Peru. The local shamans still invoke its power and of the gods that once resided in these structures. Specifically, the gods lived in the mountains, but the pyramids were seen as replica mountains, in the hope of being able to work with the forces of nature. The local shamans are also the record keepers of the legends, including one legend recorded by Father Cabello de Balboa in 1586 AD. It relates how Cala, a grandson of Naymlap, the founder of the Lambayeque royal dynasty, declared that Tucume would become the new metropolis for his people. Cala seems to have been an exile from Batan Grande.

Tucume lies on what was once the southern margin of the valley, but thanks to the Taymi irrigation canal (over 43 miles long), which brings water northward from the Chancay river, it is surrounded by fertile agricultural land. lt seems very likely that the construction of the Taymi canal coincided with the foundation of Tucume, an important center of the region throughout its 400-year history. Modern Tucume, which lies very close to the site and boasts its own prehispanic village pyramid, Huaca del Pueblo, is located 17 miles north of the city of Chiclayo.

The largest and most impressive pyramids are found in the monumental sector of the archaeological site, to the north and northeast of La Raya Mountain (“Mountain of the Ray”). Investigations carried out in conjunction with Thor Heyerdahl, the famous Norwegian seafarer and explorer, have concentrated on three major structures: Huaca Larga, Huaca 1 and The U-shaped “Temple of the Sacred Stone”. Excavations in non-monumental areas have yielded many details about the functioning of the site -some prefer the term city- and about the lives of its inhabitants.
The “Temple of the Sacred Stone” is a small, unpretentious, rectangular U-shaped structure to the east of Huaca Larga. lt is considered a major temple that travelers had to pass by before entering the site. The walled roadway system of this section of the Lambayeque valley leads straight to this temple and then on to Huaca Larga.
The special, revered object of this temple appears to have been a large, upright boulder in the middle of the one-room building, but whom or what it represented remains unknown. Furthermore, archaeologists found an enormous number of offerings in and around the temple. These offerings included valuable Spondylus shells (a seashell) brought from the coast of Guayaquil, slaughtered lamas and intriguing sheet-metal miniatures representing a wide range of themes and objects (flora, fauna, ornaments, musical instruments, tools, etc.). The most delicate of Inca offerings, figurines made of solid silver or carved Spondylus and adorned with elaborate textiles, silver tupu-needles and miniature feather headdresses, were found deposited in ritual fashion by the doorway of the temple. Researchers have found similar offerings, sometimes together with human sacrifices, at other major Inca shrines. For example, just a few years back a researcher exploring the top of the snow-capped Ampato Mountain in the southern Peruvian department of Arequipa found the intact mummy of an Inca girl, whom he nicknamed “Juanita”.

The Túcume area has been slated for tourism development in Peru, however, concerns have been raised over the development of the site without proper attention to conservation. The site’s listing in 2004 attracted substantial private-sector support for the site’s preservation, but a long-term plan for the conservation of its fragile and eroding remains has yet to be developed.

Aokigahara Forest – One of the Creepiest Places on Earth

Aokigahara is a woodland at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan that makes The Blair Witch Project forest look like Winnie the Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood. It probably has something to do with all the dead bodies scattered around.
Also called the Sea of Trees. It is the most popular place to commit suicide in the whole Japan. More than 500 people have taken their own lives in Aokigahara since the 1950s. For, example 78 bodies were found there in 2002. The trend has supposedly started after Seicho Matsumoto published his novel Kuroi Kaiju (Black Sea of Trees) where two of his characters commit suicide there. After that-always eager to prove they are bizarrely susceptible to suggestion-hundreds of Japanese people have hanged themselves among the countless trees of the Aokigahara forest, which is reportedly so thick that even in high noon it’s not hard to find places completely surrounded by darkness.
Besides bodies and homemade nooses, the area is littered with signs displaying such uplifting messages like “Life is a precious thing! Please reconsider!” or “Think of your family!”
By the way, if an entire dark forest full of hanged corpses wasn’t bad enough, a few years ago some people noticed that a lot of the dead in Aokigahara probably had cash or jewelry on them. Thus began the proud Japanese tradition of Aokigahara Scavenging where people are running around the Death Forest, looking for dead guys to loot.

England’s version of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’

Kayakers snap photo of England’s version of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’…
Nothing puts a damper on a serene afternoon’s kayaking like the sight of a primeval sea monster.
That was the rude lesson for Tom Pickles and Sarah Harrington, who’d taken their watercraft out on the foggy waters of Lake Windermere, only to encounter what appeared to be “an enormous snake” swimming by.
“It was petrifying and we paddled back to the shore straight away. At first I thought it was a dog and then saw it was much bigger and moving really quickly at about 10 mph,” the 24-year-old Pickles told The Telegraph. “Each hump was moving in a rippling motion and it was swimming fast. Its skin was like a seal’s but its shape was completely abnormal—it’s not like any animal I’ve ever seen before.”
But what did Pickles and Harrington expect? Didn’t they know that Lake Windermere is reputedly the home of the British version of the Loch Ness monster? In the past five years, sojourners on the lake have reported eight sightings of a Nessie-like serpent.
But the kayaking couple rallied from their shock and snapped the clearest photo of the Windermere “monster” since the sightings began. A journalism professor and his wife inaugurated the recent spate of Nessie-esque encounters on the lake back in 2006 reporting they had seen a “giant eel” somewhere between 15-20 feet long.
Ever since then, researchers have set out upon the lake with sonar equipment, in pursuit of “Bow-Nessie,” as the creature’s British compatriots like to call it. But so far, their efforts haven’t borne fruit.
Of course, people in Scotland have reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster since 1933, and even with dramatic advance sonar and video technology, Loch Ness research teams have likewise been unable to turn up any credible scientific evidence of its existence. Even its most noted hunter, Robert Rines, recently gave up his quest to find the beast after trying for nearly 40 years. “Unfortunately, I’m running out of age,” the 85 year-old Rines said last year when he announced he was calling it quits.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ian Winfield, a lake ecologist at the University of Lancaster, told The Sun he thinks the mysterious appartition people are seeing in Lake Windermere is merely a really big catfish. But all of this speculation overlooks the central mystery in the latest sighting: Why on earth would a couple go kayaking on an English lake in the middle of February?


Dead Sea Scrolls

Juma was beginning to get nervous. Some of his goats were climbing too high up the cliffs. He decided to climb the face of the cliff himself to bring them back. Little did Juma realize as he began his climb on that January day in 1947 that those straying goats would eventually involve him in “the greatest archaeological discovery in the twentieth century.” Such thoughts were far from his mind when he saw two small openings to one of the thousands of caves that dot those barren cliffs overlooking the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea.
He threw a rock into one of the openings. The unexpected cracking sound surprised him; what else could be in those remote caves but treasure? He called to his cousins, Khalil and Muhammed, who climbed up and heard the exciting tale. But it was getting late, and the goats had to be gathered. Tomorrow they would return—perhaps their days of following goats would come to an end once the treasure was uncovered!
The youngest of the three, Muhammed, rose the next day before his two fellow “treasure-seekers” and made his way to the cave. The cave floor was covered with debris, including broken pottery. Along the wall stood a number of narrow jars, some with their bowl-shaped covers still in place. Frantically, Muhammed began to explore the inside of each jar, but no treasure of gold was to be found… only a few bundles wrapped in cloth and greenish with age. Returning to his cousins, he related the sad news—no treasure.
No treasure indeed! The scrolls those Bedouin boys removed from that dark cave that day and the days following would come to be recognized as the greatest manuscript treasure ever found—the first seven manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls!
Such was the discovery of a group of manuscripts which were a thousand years older than the then-oldest-known Hebrew texts of the Bible (manuscripts, many of which were written more than 100 years before the birth of Jesus). These manuscripts would excite the archaeological world and provide a team of translators with a gigantic task that even to this day has not been completed.
The story of how those scrolls traveled from the hands of young Bedouin goat herders to be under the scrutinous eyes of international scholars is stranger than fiction. Although all the details of the next few years will probably never be known for sure, this much is clear. After hanging from a pole in a Bedouin tent for a period of time, the seven original scrolls were sold to two separate Arab antiquities dealers in Bethlehem. From there, four were sold (for a small amount) to Athanasius Samuel, Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan at St. Mark’s Monastery in the Old City of Jerusalem. Scholars at the American School of Oriental Research, who examined them, were the first to realize their antiquity. John Trever photographed them in detail, and the great archaeologist William F. Albright soon announced that the scrolls were from the period between 200 BC and AD 200. The initial announcements were then made that the oldest manuscripts ever discovered had been found in the Judean desert!
Three of the other original scrolls found by the Bedouin boys were sold to E. L. Sukenik, archaeologist at Hebrew University and father of Yigal Yadin (a general in the Israeli army who later became a famous archaeologist and excavator of Masada and Hazor). It should be noted that the drama of these events was heightened because these were the last days of the British Mandate period in Palestine, and tensions between the Arab and Jewish population were great. This made examination of the scrolls by scholars extremely dangerous.
All of the scrolls finally came together at Hebrew University under another strange set of circumstances. After touring the U.S. with his four scrolls and not being able to find an interested buyer, Metropolitan Samuel placed an ad in the Wall Street Journal. By coincidence (or divine providence?) Yigal Yadin happened to be lecturing in New York and saw the advertisement. Through intermediaries, he was able to purchase these priceless scrolls for around $250,000. In February of 1955, the Prime Minister of Israel announced that the State of Israel had purchased the scrolls, and all seven (including the three purchased earlier by Professor Sukenik) were to be housed in a special museum at Hebrew University named the Shrine of the Book, where they can be seen today.
Needless to say, the initial announcement about the scrolls prompted feverish searches in the area of the original discoveries. An official archaeological expedition was begun in 1949 which eventually resulted in the discovery of ten additional caves in the surrounding area also containing scrolls. The archaeologists then directed their attention to a small ruin nearby called “Khirbet (ruins of) Qumran,” which had been thought of as the remains of an old Roman fortress. After six seasons of intensive excavation, the scholars were sure beyond any reasonable doubt that the scrolls found their origin in this community which flourished between 125 BC and AD 68. The scrolls had been stored in haste in the caves as the community fled the encroaching Roman army, which was in Judea to put down the Jewish Revolt of AD 66-70.
The ruins of Qumran, which can be visited today, revealed that a substantial group of Jewish ascetics inhabited this community. Storehouses, aqueducts, ritual baths and an assembly hall were all uncovered. One of the most interesting rooms uncovered was a scriptorium, identified by two ink wells discovered there along with some benches for scribes. It was in this room that many, if not all, of the discovered manuscripts were copied.

Description of the Scrolls

As soon as the announcement of the scrolls’ discovery was made, the scholarly debates about their origin and significance began. The debates increased when the amazing contents of the scrolls were successively revealed.
The seven original scrolls, from what came to be called “Cave One,” comprised the following:
  1. a well-preserved copy of the entire prophecy of Isaiah—the oldest copy of an Old Testament book ever to be discovered
  2. another fragmentary scroll of Isaiah
  3. a commentary on the first two chapters of Habakkuk—the commentator explained the book allegorically interms of the Qumran brotherhood
  4. the “Manual of Discipline” or “Community Rule”—the most important source of information about the religious sect at Qumran—it described the requirements for those aspiring to join the brotherhood
  5. the “Thanksgiving Hymns,” a collection of devotional “psalms” of thanksgiving and praise to God
  6. an Aramaic paraphrase of the Book of Genesis
  7. the “Rule of War” which dealt with the battle between the “Sons of Light” (the men of Qumran) and the “Sons of Darkness” (the Romans?) yet to take place in the “last days,” which days the men of Qumran believed were about to arrive.
Those seven original scrolls were just the beginning. Over six hundred scrolls and thousands of fragments have been discovered in the 11 caves of the Qumran area. Fragments of every Biblical book except Esther have been found, as well as many other non-Biblical texts.
One of the most fascinating of the finds was a copper scroll which had to becut in strips to be opened and which contained a list of 60 treasures located in various parts of Judea (none of which have been found)! Another scroll, which Israeli archaeologists recovered in 1967 underneath the floor of a Bethlehem antiquities dealer, describes in detail the community’s view of an elaborate Temple ritual. This has been appropriately called the “Temple Scroll.”
The contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls indicate that their authors were a group of priests and laymen pursuing a communal life of strict dedication to God. Their leader was called the “Righteous Teacher.” They viewed themselves as the only true elect of Israel—they alone were faithful to the Law.
They opposed the “Wicked Priest”—the Jewish High Priest in Jerusalem who represented the establishment, and who had persecuted them in some way. This wicked priest was probably one of the Maccabean rulers who had illegitimately assumed the high priesthood between 150-140 BC. Most scholars have identified the Qumran brotherhood with the Essenes, a Jewish sect of Jesus’ day described by Josephus and Philo.
Whoever the men of Qumran were, their writings provide us with a marvelous background picture of one aspect of the religious world into which Jesus came. Some have sought to draw parallels between figures in the scrolls and John the Baptist or Jesus, but an objective examination of such parallels reveals that the differences are greater than the similarities. Any contact of Jesus with Qumran is entirely speculative and most improbable. The suggestion that John the Baptist may have spent some time with the Qumran community is possible, since the Gospels tell us that he spent considerable time in the wilderness near the area where the Qumran community is located (Mt. 3:1-3; Mk. 1:4; Lk. 1:80; 3:2-3). John’s message, however, differed markedly from that of the Qumran brotherhood. The only real common point was that they both taught that the “kingdom of God” was coming.
One of the most important contributions of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the numerous Biblical manuscripts which have been discovered. Until those discoveries at Qumran, the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures were copies from the 9th and 10th centuries AD by a group of Jewish scribes called the Massoretes. Now we have manuscripts around a thousand years older than those. The amazing truth is that these manuscripts are almost identical! Here is a strong example of the tender care which the Jewish scribes down through the centuries took in an effort to accurately copy the sacred Scriptures. We can have confidence that our Old Testament Scriptures faithfully represent the words given to Moses, David and the prophets.

Doctrine of the Scrolls

The men of Qumran fervently believed in a doctrine of “last things.” They had fled to the desert and were readying themselves for the imminent judgment, when their enemies would be vanquished and they, God’s elect, would be given final victory in accordance with the predictions of the prophets. It was in connection with these end-time events that one of the most fascinating teachings of the sect emerges. The messianic hope loomed large in the thought of the brotherhood. As a matter of fact, evidence shows that they actually believed in three messiahs—one a prophet, another a priest and the third a king or prince.
In the document mentioned earlier called the “Manual of Discipline” or the “Rule of the Community,” it is laid down that the faithful should continue to live under the rule “until the coming of a prophet and the anointed ones [messiahs] of Aaron and Israel” (column 9, line 11). These three figures would appear to usher in the age for which the community was making preparation.
In another document found in Cave Four and referred to as the “Testimonia,” a number of Old Testament passages are brought together which formed the basis for their messianic expectations. The first is the citation from Deuteronomy 18:18-19 where God says to Moses: “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee.” Next comes a quotation from Numbers 24:15-17, where Balaam foresees the rise of a princely conqueror: “a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab,” etc. The third passage is the blessing pronounced by Moses upon the tribe of Levi (the priestly tribe) in Deuteronomy 33:8-11. The way in which these three quotations are brought together suggests that the writer looked forward to the advent of a great prophet, a great prince and a great priest.
There were three individuals in the Old Testament writings that were referred to as “my anointed ones”—the prophet, the priest and the king (refer to Ex. 29:29; 1 Sam. 16:13, 24:6; 1 Kg. 19:16; Ps. 105:15). Each of these was consecrated to his work by an anointing with oil. The Hebrew word for “anointed” is meshiach, from which we get the word Messiah.
The marvelous truth of the New Testament doctrine of the Messiah is that each of these three offices found fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth! The people were amazed at His feeding of the multitude and said, “This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world” (Jn. 6:14; also Jn. 7:40; Acts 3:22, 7:37). Jesus also was a priest, not from the order of Levi but from the order of Melchizedek (Ps. 110:4; Heb. 7), who offered Himself as a sacrifice and appears for us in the presence of His Father (Heb. 9:24-26; 10:11-12). Also, Jesus was announced as the One who will receive “the throne of his father, David. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Lk. 1:32-33). He will be acclaimed “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev. 19:16).
Thus, we have found an interesting point of contact between Qumran and Christianity—a point of contact which is also a point of cleavage. The Qumran community and the early Christians agreed that in the days of the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies there would arise a great prophet, a great priest and a great king. But these three figures remained distinct in Qumran expectation, whereas the New Testament saw them unified in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
One more manuscript that has come to light in recent years provides a fascinating background to the New Testament messianic hope. It has been reconstructed from twelve small fragments, furnishing less than two columns of writing; but this much can be ascertained from its brief contents. It is a prediction of the birth of a Wonderful Child, possibly drawing on Isaiah 9:6-7: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given… and his name shall be called Wonderful.” This child will bear special marks on His body and will be distinguished by wisdom and intelligence. He will be able to probe the secrets of all living creatures, and He will inaugurate the new age for which the faithful fervently awaited.
Is it not striking that soon after this manuscript was composed, a child wa sborn who fulfilled the hopes of Israel and inaugurated a new age? Although the men of Qumran were mistaken in the details of their messiah, they did expect one whose general characteristics were strikingly illustrated by Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and Messiah. It is not known if some early Christian brought the message of Jesus to this wilderness community. We are left only to speculate on how they would have responded to the Wonderful Child born in Bethlehem who was the Prophet, Priest and King of Israel.