An ultrasound pictures of Jesus, Alien, Michael Jackson…

These incredible photos were taken by ultrasound and show how the human brain can play with imagination!

A close encounter with a doctor. British couple Scott and Larissa Din were shocked when on the ultrasound instead their baby saw an alien.

Kenneth Nikki (21) has just left the hospital with a picture of their unborn baby, when she realized that resembles Jesus. The girl from Glasgow, said that her boyfriend noticed the similarity.

A little John-Paul Daily, who is now 18 months looked like aliens on his ultrasound images when he was 12 weeks. His mother, Annemarie added: “It looks as if he were addressing the camera.’ll Show him snapshot when he is older.”

Charlene Seel (19) was shocked when she saw a picture her child that contained a lamb or something that looked like a dog. “The nurse told me that she saw this picture before, and that the woman gave birth to twins,” says Charlene.

Future mother remained shocked when on the ultrasound of her unborn baby, she saw a face of a man who resembling an alien?
I mean, you can imagine how surprised parents-to-be Dawn Kelley and William Hickman were to discover Jacko in their ultrasound! Such a prankster, that Michael. From Man in the Mirror to Man In-Utero.

As we can see, aliens are those who prefer to have picture with an unborn!

Girl makes portraits of chewing gum

Ukrainian artist Anna Sofia Matveyeva first chews gums, then sorts them by color and then heats them up in the microwave.
Her best works are portraits of Steve Jobs and Elton John. For portrait of Steve Jobs it was necessary over 1000 chewing gums while for a portrait of Elton John “only” 250 chewing gums.
Matveyeva currently creating a portrait of Mircea Lucescu, a manager of FC Shakhtar, for which, according to estimates, it will also be necessary 250 chewing gums.  
“Chewing gum is not only use as a material, it represents some sort of symbol,” says Matveyeva.
For creating a portrait she needs about ten days, while Steve Jobs portrait was making over three weeks. Each portrait weighs about five pounds, and Matveyeva hopes soon she will make her first exhibition.

Ancient super crocodile fossil found in museum drawer

Long-forgotten remains of a long-forgotten species, have been discovered in a museum drawer in Scotland. The beast, a dolphin-shaped crocodilian “super predator,” was able to eat other species its size and larger.
The ancient newfound crocodilian is named Tyrannoneustes lythrodectikos, Greek for “blood-biting tyrant swimmer.” Sounds pretty friendly, doesn’t it? “Tyrannoneustes was a dolphinlike crocodile that lived 165 million years ago,” said researcher Mark Young, a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the University of Southampton in England.
The predator possessed a long snout, large flippers, armorless skin and a tail fin where the bottom half is larger than the top half, resembling an upside-down version of an ordinary shark’s tail fin.It’s uncertain how large Tyrannoneustes was, but the right side of its lower jaw was at least 26 inches (67 centimeters) long. It featured enlarged teeth with serrated edges, and a jaw that evolved to open wider, allowing it to swallow smaller prey whole.
Back when Tyrannoneustes was alive, the area in central England where the fossils were discovered was covered in a shallow sea encompassing much of what is now Europe. Originally found between 1907 and 1909, the fossil has been lost in a drawer at the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery in Glasgow for nearly 100 years.

There are no modern descendents of the animal. Instead, this predator was a kind of metriorhynchid, an extinct family of marine crocodiles.

The discovery of Tyrannoneustes shows that during the Middle Jurassic, metriorhynchid crocodiles were beginning to evolve into predators of large-bodied prey. By the Late Jurassic, numerous metriorhynchid species were suited to feeding on large prey, but Tyrannoneustes is the first known from the Middle Jurassic. How this impacted upon other predatory groups such as pliosaurs and ichthyosaurs is still unclear.

Future research can scan Tyrannoneustes bones to develop computer models of how it might have fed, Young said. He and his colleagues detailed their findings online Jan. 4 in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.

Rio de Janeiro: Bar Codes on Sidewalks Give Tourist Info

Rio de Janeiro is mixing technology with tradition to provide tourists information about the city by embedding bar codes into the black and white mosaic sidewalks that are a symbol of the city.
The city installed its first two-dimensional bar codes, or QR codes, as they’re known, at Arpoador, the massive boulder that separates Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. The image was built into the sidewalk with the same black and white stones that decorate sidewalks around town with mosaics of waves, fish and abstract images.

With an accompanying smartphone application, onlookers were able to take snapshots of the mosaic QR codes with their phones or tablets before being directed to a website that disbursed information in Brazil’s native Portuguese, and also in Spanish and English. A map of the area was also included.

They learned, for example, that Arpoador gets big waves, making it a hot spot for surfing and giving the 500-meter beach nearby the name of “Praia do Diabo,” or Devil’s Beach. They could also find out that the rock is called Arpoador because fishermen once harpooned whales off the shore.

Each stone code reportedly takes about seven days to construct due to the level of precision necessary to make it scan, though some future iterations will be constructed out of different recycled materials. The next four, expected by March, will pop up at Redra do Leme, Sao Conrado Beach, Mirante do Leblon and Pepe Beach in Barra da Tijuca.

The Department of Conservation said it plans to implement the co-called QRIO project at 30 locations across the city by the year’s end and 50 locations by July 2014 when Rio hosts the FIFA World Cup.

Bigfoot In Oregon? Strange Bloodcurdling Noises In Pendleton Swamp

Is there a bigfoot in Oregon?
The sounds of cries and roars can be heard throughout the Umatilla Indian Reservation near Pendleton, The Oregonian reports Jan. 25. The reservation is home to about 1,500 people across 178,000 acres in Oregon’s Blue Mountains. The possible Bigfoot noises were heard near an old reservation community center just north of Wilhorse Resort and Casino. Residents first started hearing the noises last month, and rumors quickly spread that it could be a mythical ape-like humanoid creature, Bigfoot.

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is the name given to the mysterious ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot, usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid, and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax.
Among some Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest, however, the Bigfoot is not to be taken lightly. Stories about the hominid hairy creatures roaming the forests of the region have been passed down from generation to generation in some tribal cultures, so when the screeches first drifted over the swampland, it did not take much to convince the locals that those were the cries of Bigfoot.
According to the Oregon Live, the eerie late-night sounds, which range from high-pitched screams to basso profundo roars, started in November and have caused bigfoot rumors to spread. Several reservation unit tenants and home owners call authorities to report the strange sounds. One man even claimed his dog was too afraid to go outside.
One said the cries were made by “a young Bigfoot that had got separated from the rest of his clan.” The howls also make some believe the animal making those noises are foxes or a female coyote.
So far no one has been able to nail down exactly what the source is of the spooky sounds. For decades many have believed Bigfoot does, in fact, live in Oregon within its thick forests. Reported Examiner…
Carl Sheeler, wildlife program manager for the Walla Walla and Cayuse tribes, said the strange noises may just be from animals known to live in the area.
But some of those who have heard the sounds don’t agree with Sheeler. “Foxes do sound creepy,” said Sylvia Minthorn. “But it’s not the same sound, not even close.”
Did Oregon residents within the reservation actually hear Bigfoot? Enthusiasts of the creature think that they are getting closer to finding the elusive Bigfoot, and sightings continue. Late last year, a group of hikers in Utah encountered what they thought was a bear, but then the animal turned and stood on two legs, looking very much like Bigfoot.
Sasquatch Watch Canada posted a recording of the howls to Youtube. Listen to them below:

American robot that can run faster than Usain Bolt

The latest version of the Pentagon’s robot Cheetah was able to run faster than a man, and not any man – faster than athletes Bolt Useini!
Cheetah Robot is a fast-running quadruped developed by Boston Dynamics with funding from DARPA.
During a recent test enhanced prototype Cheetah achieved a speed of 45.54 kilometers per hour (28.3 mph) without losing stability. The fastest man in the world, Usein Bolt, reached a top speed of 44.71 kilometers per hour (27.8 mph) 2009th when setting the world record.

The latest prototype is still powered from an external source using overhead cables, but Boston Dynamics, the company that the Pentagon is working on the development of advanced robots, believes the field test version of the robot in early 2013. year.

“The fact that we have achieved 45 km/h (28 mph) on the treadmill was a challenge and a great achievement, for which we congratulate our team of robotics,” said Dr Alfred Rizzi, technical project leader Cheetah.

“Our goal is to create robots that can move freely in the open field and running quickly. Exactly the right version of the open ground we call Wildcat, which should be ready for testing early next year, said Rizzi.

Scientists are getting closer to the solution of the mystery of invisibility

Researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas is one step closer to creating an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter in a movie, using carbon nanotubes (carbon nanotubes – CNT).

CNT has unique properties, such as air density and the strength of steel. They were the subject of constant study and placed into operation in numerous applications. His exceptional ability to conduct heat and transmit it to the surrounding area makes it an ideal material to be used for so-called “Mirage effect”, which you can see in the deserts.

Block of lined highly transparent carbon nanotube are heated to high temperatures, with electrical stimulation. They then have the ability to transfer that heat to its surroundings, causing sharp temperature gradation.

Like a mirage, the sudden change in temperature makes light rays to bend around an object by hiding what is behind devices, making it invisible.

Spooky cemetery in Peru

The oldest cemetery in Peru has become a hit with tourists and locals.

The Presbitero Maestro Cemetery was built between 1805 and 1808 on the former outskirts of Lima and was the first municipal cemetery in Latin America. This impressive and beautiful historical Sanctuary houses the final resting places of many historical important personalities, but is still in use. The neoclassical complex contains the largest collection of 19th century European marble sculptures in Latin America. It’s absolutely worth seeing!

It was cold and dark, and people clutching lanterns in the moonlight gave a spooky cast to Peru’s oldest cemetery, now Lima’s oddball hit with locals and tourists. “It is scary. But we’re into it,” said a teenage girl clinging to her boyfriend as they walked through darkness and silence interrupted only by visitors’ footsteps.
Each group has a guide who entertain visitors with tales about those buried at the Presbitero Matias Maestro Museum-Cemetery, a Peruvian national historical monument.

The cemetery covers an area of 25,000 m². It has 6 magnificent main gates and over 220,000 people found their final resting place at this outstanding burial ground. Although the Presbitero Maestro Cemetery was declared a National Historic Monument in 1972 the sculptures and the impressive mausoleums are threatened by natural aging, air pollution, pressure of the growing population and unfortunately by vandalism. At least the Public Beneficence Society of Lima tries to preserve this jewel of peace with a very tight budget.

Night tours are scheduled with different themes for different crowds: one focuses on love; another on patriotic fervor; still others on presidents; and inevitably one focuses on death itself. “What really brings in the most people is the tour focused on death, in November, and another on love, in February,” says historian Jose Bocanegra, who has the historical details at the ready.

Some visitors are so apprehensive about being in a cemetery that they tiptoe around expecting something worthy of a horror movie. 

When tours started a decade ago they were limited to no more than 40 people; but they have become so popular that groups are now as large as 350 people, mainly young people and tourists, Bocanegra said.

One of the most popular tombs for local visitors is Peruvian poet Jose Santos Chocano, who asked to be buried standing, in a one square meter space. “So his coffin was placed in the niche vertically. And on his tombstone, there are lines from his poem ‘Shipwrecked Life,'” Bocanegra said. “This square meter that I have looked for on Earth will be mine, if a bit late. Dead, in the end, I shall have it. … I only expect now a square meter, where one day they’ll have to bury me, standing,” the poem reads.

It is a cemetery, and it is dark, to be sure. But there is enough light for visitors to stop and get a look at Carrara marble sculptures like the “La Dama de la Mantilla” (Lady in a mantilla) and “El bastón de Hermes” (Hermes’ staff). Bronze works such as “A mother weeping at her son’s tomb” and “A cry of pain” also are on display, steeped in the mood of the location, adorning mausoleums that are often caked in mud and apparently forgotten.

The cemetery, tucked into a corner of Lima’s Barrios Altos district, was named for its designer, the priest Matias Maestro, who also was buried there. Opened in 1808 by Viceroy Fernando Abascal during Spanish colonial rule, the facility is a sort of history of Peru in tombs and crypts. Decorated with a staggering 940 sculptures — some of them from as far away as Italy, by sculptors like Santo Varni, Pietro Costa, Ulderico Tenderini, and Rinaldo Rinaldi, or France’s Jean Louis Barrias and Antonin Marcie.

The success of the tours is a blessing for the facility, providing a source of funding to care for tombs and sculptures that have themselves often seemed on their last legs.

Unknown Creature Discovered In Africa

Hunters in Namibia have caught strange creature that has never been seen before. Recording of events caused strong reactions – is a being from another planet, the mythical creature or something completely different?
Video showing the unusual creature caught in Africa has become a hit on the Internet in just a few days. In his description states that local hunters in Namibia saw a strange creature in search of food. One of the hunters had shot him, after which the creature fled into the bush, but hunters nevertheless find it.
Hunters have found three other similar beings. One of them attacked them, so they killed him, but the other escaped.
The body of of the weird being were taken away in a hunting camp and is expected to detailed investigation. People on YouTube have made ​​a discussion on the origin of this creature. While some believe that it is a fake photographs, others are convinced of their authenticity, and some even claim to have themselves seen similar being.
Watch the video and judge for yourself whether he is a being from another planet, the mythical creature or something else.

The World’s Smelliest Man: this man has not bathed in over 38 years!

The world’s smelliest man is Indian, Kailash Singh (66) who did not bathe in over 38 years. He listened to the priest’s advice back in 1974., that would have a son if stop to take a bath!
Today he has seven daughters and still not giving up on a given testament.

More precisely, the priest has guarantee him a son if he stop to take a bath and to cut his hair.
– He said he would rather die than take a bath and that the only son could force him to change his opinion. It’s been so many years that I have already got used to it, says wife Kalavati Devi.

Make no mistake, Kailash is still “cares about personal hygiene.” Every night he performs “fire bath” to resolve the odor. His bath form includes smoking marijuana, including a prayer to God Shiva and dancing around the fire. He claims that in this way solves the stench, but his family and neighbors is absolutely disagree with that. 

Although the priest’s advice was obviously not good, this man still refuses to bathe, and only son could force him to change his opinion. Of course, it is unlikely that they will have another child, given that his wife is now sixty years old.