Destination Tokyo City

Visiting Tokyo for the first time can feel like visiting another planet. Tokyo is very different from Western capitals, but what really sets it apart are its people. With a growing population of over 12 million within 1,300 square kilometres, Tokyo is Japan’s largest and most densely populated city; a bustling, state-of-the-art marketplace full of energy, humanity and astonishing contrasts.
Millions of people pack the subways, sidewalks, and stores to maximum capacity every day and every hour. In some parts of the city, the streets are as crowded at 3am as they are at 3pm. With its full-force, sensory overload, Tokyo makes even New York City seem like a sleepy town.
Despite its limited space for harmonious living, Tokyo remains one of the safest cities in the world, with very little crime or violence. People will go out of their way to help you. Hardworking, honest, and helpful to strangers, the Japanese people are Japan’s greatest asset.
Under Tokyo’s concrete casing is a thriving cultural life. If you’re interested in Japan’s performing arts and traditional culture, Tokyo offers the most choice. It is full of museums, kabuki theatres, sumo wrestling and the largest collection of Japanese art in the world. Traditional kabuki thrives alongside opera, ballet and symphony, while Tokyo-dwellers are passionate about sumo, baseball and now football (soccer).
The capital city was founded in 1590 as Edo, the headquarters of the Shoguns, or military power. Edo boasted its own vibrant culture of pleasure quarters, theatres and cherry blossoms. Following the fall of the Shoguns in 1867 and the restoration of the Emperor’s power, the city was renamed Tokyo.
Tokyo consists of various districts, each with their own flair and flavour, usually centred around the main railway and subway stations. The city defines itself by its commercial, cultural, and entertainment centres of Ueno, Asakusa, Ginza, Roppongi, Shibuya, Harajuku, and Shinjuku.
Sinjuku, Shibuya, Ginza are large areas of commerce where the latest fashion trends are born and worn. Shinuya Station resembles New York City’s Time Square with enormous video screens and a sea of people and neon lights.
Ginza is home to top designer boutiques such as Chanel and Gucci, high-priced cups of coffee and the classic Kabukiza kabuki theatre. During the weekends Ginza’s Chuo Street is closed to traffic and becomes a festive swirl of shoppers and onlookers.
Tokyo Bay offers a bit of breathing space from the concrete jungle as does Shinjuku’s Gyoen Garden and Asakusa’s best kept secret – Dembo-in Garden. Of course, people do not visit Tokyo seeking peace and quiet. If it’s non-stop action that you are looking for, Tokyo is the place for you!
On the other hand, if you become overwhelmed, you can retreat to quiet cobble stone lanes and serene gardens for that sense of stillness that the Japanese have mastered for centuries.
The best time to visit Tokyo is in the spring from March to May when the cherry blossoms are blooming, inspiring sake-soaked picnics in the parks. However, try to avoid Golden Week (late April-early May) and New Year (late December-early January), because most of the city closes down. July and August bring sweltering heat and humidity, yet also host an array of lively festivals. Winter in the city is cold and crisp, while autumn (September to November) sees colourful foliage and warm, balmy days. Festivals are celebrated almost every week, offering visitors something of the old Japan to experience.
As Tokyo races into the future while honouring its past, the uniqueness of the city and its people provide visitors with an experience they will never forget.

The Shimizu TRY 2004 Mega-City Pyramid

The Shimizu TRY 2004 Mega-City Pyramid is a proposed project for construction of a massive pyramid over Tokyo Bay in Japan. The structure would be 12 times higher than the Great Pyramid at Giza, and would house 750,000 people. If built, it will be the largest man-made structure on Earth. The structure would be 2,004 meters (6,575 feet) high and would answer Tokyo’s increasing lack of space.

The proposed structure is so large that it cannot be built with currently available materials, due to their weight. The design relies on the future availability of super-strong lightweight materials based on carbon nanotubes.

Perimeter of the foundation above ground would be 2,800 meters. Area of the foundation is 8 square kilometres. Infrastructure is an area of approximately 25 km². Gross building area is about 88 km² of facilities layers:

Layers 1 to 4: residential, offices, etc.
Layers 5 to 8: research, leisure, etc.
The height of each layer is 250.5 m (for 8 layers, the pyramid is 2,004 m tall).

The pyramid structure would be composed of 55 smaller pyramids stacked five high. Each of these smaller pyramids would be about the size of the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas.

The building would be zoned into residential, commercial and leisure areas. 50 km² will be given over to some 240,000 housing units, enough for 750,000 people. Each building would have its own energy resources (sun and wind). 24 km² will be assigned to offices and commercial facilities intended to employ 800,000 people. The remaining 14 km² would be used for research and leisure purposes.

First, the pyramid’s foundation would be formed by 36 piers made of special concrete.

Because the seismically active Pacific Ring of Fire cuts right through Japan, the external structure of the pyramid would be an open network of megatrusses, supporting struts made from carbon nanotubes to allow the pyramid to stand against, and let through high winds and survive earthquakes and tsunamis.

The trusses would be coated with photovoltaic film to convert sunlight into electricity and help power the city.

Large robots would assemble the truss structure, and air bladders would be used to elevate trusses above the first layer using a construction system proposed by Italian architect Dante Bini. Spheroid nodes at the connections between trusses would provide structural support and serve as transfer points for travelers.

Transportation within the city would be provided by accelerating walkways, inclined elevators, and a personal rapid transit system where individual driverless pods would travel within the trusses.

Housing and office space would be provided by 30-story high skyscrapers suspended from above and below, and attached to the pyramid’s supporting structure with nanotube cables.